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Sunday, December 17, 2017

Israel Demands That Lesbians Seeking to Adopt Children Declare They Are Not Sex Offenders

Nadia Eisner Horesh, a mother of five from Jerusalem, discovered after the birth of her sixth child that she is liable to be a dangerous person. When she and her partner Lena Horesh turned to the Family Court in Jerusalem asking to arrange her legal status as the mother of their mutual daughter, to whom Lena gave birth, the state requested an affidavit from her to the effect that she hasn’t been convicted in the past for crimes of sex or violence. “If there’s a chance that I’m a danger to children, where were the authorities when it came to my five biological children, the oldest of whom is already 21?” asks Nadia.

More >> Israel Demands That Lesbians Seeking to Adopt Children Declare They Are Not Sex Offenders

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