Legally Kidnapped

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Texas stealing more children

More Texas youths placed in foster care

Texas' foster care rolls have surged, outstripping expectations by more than 1,000 youngsters this year, Child Protective Services officials said Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. Yea bet it's true they're taking Non abused children Non neglected children stealing them from family they find any little thing they can about all the family it's ridiculous CPS and casa have something shady going on in midland TX court appointed lawyers don't care about there clients they just do whatever the cps says my grandbabies lawyer not 1time has spoke to my grandchildren to ask what they want, how they are and yesterday they were introduced by casa to a couple from Dallas and were being told now that they're leaving at the end of the week for with them
    My stories long but I promise u this blog is true they are stealing children


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