Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Mothers standing up to Child Protective Services

Note: This person would like you to sign her petition.

Mothers standing up to Child Protective Services

I am writing this letter to ask for help with a situation that, I feel, is both unjust in its decision and even more so in the amount of time that it has been allowed to be prolonged. At its heart are two children that have been ripped away from the only family they have ever known and a process that has been allowed to linger in limbo for nearly a year. I am a single mother of two boys. my child 1 is six-years-old and my child 2 is five-years-old. child 1 father refused to be involved or meet him until he was almost three-years-old. child 2 father and paternal grandparents walked away when he was about a year old. Until recently, child 2 had no recollection of them.

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