Legally Kidnapped

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Friday, April 03, 2009

Has a Federal Judgeship Become a Safe Haven for Coordinated Wrongdoing?

Has a Federal Judgeship Become a Safe Haven for Coordinated Wrongdoing?

This is a poignant question, for it casts doubt on the integrity of the government branch that should incarnate respect for the law and high ethical values.

Note: But it doesn't.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Judges are Attorneys politically appointed, politically approved and politically influenced.

    Why do Attorneys consistency show up on the bottom of public opinion polls of 'trust in professions'? It isn't because they have Integrity! Yet, Judges are political Attorneys.

    More and More Attorneys have entered the Legislative Branch of Government changing laws and making new laws giving law enforcement increasing broad and vauge discretionary authority that has afforded them brazen opportunity to use bias, favoritism and be politically influenced to unjustly arrest, prosecute and incarcerate the innocent 'targeted' citizens and free guilty offenders with political influence.

    The Justice system is the most corrupt branch of government and requires broad reforms to ensure Constitutional Rights and due process of law are afforded EVERY citizen for an unbiased, fair and just Judicial decision.


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