Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Friday, April 03, 2009

Birth parents plead for medical treatment for baby girl in foster care

Birth parents plead for medical treatment for baby girl in foster care

The children — two boys, now aged four and three, and a 19-month-old baby girl — were taken in September 2007 by the Ministry of Children and Family Development because the couple were suspected of shaking the girl and causing a head injury.

But the Surrey couple, Paul and Zabeth Bayne, obtained internal documents from the Ministry of Children and Family Development that suggest their daughter likely suffers glutaric aciduria, a rare disease often mistaken for child abuse.

Glutaric aciduria is a genetic disorder with varied symptoms, sometimes including bleeding and swelling of the brain.


  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I fail to see why we are revisiting the same deficits within foster care that continue to plague children and their natural family when the Ministry is aware of the very real potential for disaster. This, as outlined in recommendations for change in Policy provided more than 2 years ago!

  2. Another miscarriage of Justice,and now the child's natural Parents have to plead for medical care.
    I really don't know where these Child Protection scenarios,will ever end?
    Hopefully the so called professionals, involved in this case, will seek medical advice, before another tragedy,and statistic of Social Services failures.
    Alison Stevens Parents Against Injustice.


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