Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Children held against their will by MCFD

3 sisters taken out of the blue from their home, separated, isolated, interrogated for months, lied to by the police and social workers. The girls call it jail. They want to see each other more, see their friends, and go home. But BC MCFD have their best interests at heart by antagonizing them to hate the system they have been thrown into. They are not allowed to talk about any thing that happens to them in foster care no matter how outrageous or abusive. If they really have our children's best interests at heart what is BC MCFD trying to hide by not letting the children be allowed to speak out about their feelings and thoughts. Sign on and tell your story.


  1. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I wish the kids the best and hope to hear a happy ending to this story.

    I am a Single father with interm custody of my children, they have now been apprehended by the ministry from school April 10th 2008, in the final stages of my winning battle for residential custody, I truely don't even know why yet.
    I've learned many things from this site about MCFD Tactics, it's a must read for everyone

  2. i truly wish your family the best. i am unable to find is it gone? also, i am looking to go back to school to eventually be in a position to help families like yours. it seems that all child and youth care studies would only get me a job somehow working for or with mcfd and i would sooner kill myself than sleep with that devil. any ideas on what to study so that i can help and work with kids like yours against mcfd and help to give kids a voice? i want to help fight this system and the victims of it. not be a part of it. any ideas would be appreciated. and good luck to you and god bless! Thou shall not steal OUR CHILDREN!

  3. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Anybody can become a family rights advocate. The problem is that people who go into certain fields such as social work, tend to have a political ideology thrust upon them. In fact I don't believe that social work would exist in its present form without the feminist ideology.

    So if you want to help families, become a lawyer who doesn't accept state contracts.

  4. Anonymous2:42 AM

    I just checked the site its working fine. There is a lot of information up there. Also check out

    I know the family in this video. It's been almost 4 years now And MCFD and RCMP keep playing games. One day I pray they get heard in court and get justice. The social workers that started this, and the female rcmp that worked out the deal with her should be put in jail. Free Those Children NOW!!!

  5. My kids have been taken away for 5 months now.The mcfd keeps lieing and covering up things.My 2 kids have no idea what is going on they are only 5 and 3.I have recorded a social worker

  6. Anonymous6:12 PM

    My kids have been apperhened by MCFD Friday August 29 2014 I've been accused of child abuse!:(

    Leland fell at home Thursday morning August 28 2014 then I took him to daycare when we picked him up at daycare Thursday afternoon his ear is all bruised and the daycare said he fell on toys after he put his foot in a toy basket the caregiver admitted that he got the burise from the fell

    When they appeherened children are they suppose to have a police officer with them at the home two social workers where at my home when I was at the hospital with Leland and Lita was a home with my bf and a social worker took my daughter into her by herself and was examined with out a female worker present or a police officer In that room my bf was push away when he tryed to stop it my daughter didn't come out of that room for about ten to twenty mins when she did my bf said she had a sacred horrifying look on her face and hug his leg tightly

    Plus I have a video from that morning showing my son was fine that morning after he fell at home showing no bruises anywhere!

    Now I go back to court on the 18th of September
    MCFD is asking for a three month custody order
    Im fighting it and asking the children to be returned to me because MCFD told the judge they believe that the parent didn't harm the children they believe someone else has now there s a big investigation into the daycare to me there are going to drag it through court very slowly because they need more time

    The children remain in custody till next Spring
    Because police haven't finished there investigation the ministry doesn't know who harmed the child My judgment with not pulling my son out of that daycare sooner My judgement from serious injures to a non serious injure to the children I have been label has a special needs mom

    I would never let anyone harm my childern


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