Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Making child's play into a challenge: Experts say a little risk is essential for kids, but play equipment has become too protective

Note: What an interesting article I just came across and share with you today. Talking about the benefits of getting hurt as a child like that, how politically incorrect. What does a child learn from scraping their knee? How does a child learn to pay attention to where they're going? From falling off of their bike, that's how I learned.

Back in the old days, kids had respect for their parents and teachers. Now that the feminazies have taken over the schools as well as the nursing departments, social services, and the pharmacudicial industry has found a better way, ie. to drug a kid into submission rather than to teach a thing or two from experience! A teacher or a parent has to resort to psychobabble bullshit, or the methods that are in line with the advanced pussification of our children who learn to get what they want from whining and throwing a fit and tattling!

Today, we have parents dreading the thought of bringing their kids to he hospital for fear of an abuse accusation. We have parents afraid to discipline their children because the neighbor could hear and report you. Many parents don't dare voice their opposition to the schools when they do something that they don't like.

Life has a way of teaching people how to survive. And contrary to popular belief, very few children are going to learn anything if they don't go through the process of living and learning.

Shit happens, it's a fact of life. Deal with it. We gotta toughen some of these kids up!

Making child's play into a challenge: Experts say a little risk is essential for kids, but play equipment has become too protective

But consider this: Childhood experts now say that a little physical pain, an occasional dash of swing-set terror, might just be essential to the growing-up process. Playground challenges that provide at least some semblance of risk help develop a sense of balance and physical limitations.

"It's really sad because I think society has gotten to the point where they want to protect everyone from everything," said Mary Beth McCulloch, director of the University of Pittsburgh Child Development Center in Oakland, which promotes structured and unstructured play.

"If you don't give a kid a chance to try things, to learn how to recover from failure, you have all sorts of long-term implications," she said, referring to raising children so cautious they won't take risks.

This is not rocket science people! This is reality! Life sucks and then you die! This is certainly worthy of some George Carlin! Lets take a look at a couple of his classic rants!

George Carlin's: Fuck the Children

Something else i'm getting tired of ... all this stupid bullshit we have to listen to all the time about children. That's all you hear in this country: Help the children, what about the children, save the children. You know what I say? "Fuck the children! Fuck em". They are getting entirely too much attention. And I know what you're thinking: "Jesus! He's not going to attack children, is he?" Yes he is! He's going to attack children! I know that you single dads and soccer moms who think you are such fucking heroes are not going to like this, but some body has to tell you for your own good. Your children are over-rated and over-valued, you have turned them into little cult objects. You have child fetish. And it's not healthy.

And don't give me that weak shit: "Well, I love my children!". Fuck you! Everybody loves their children. Doesn't make you special. That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is this constant mindless yammering in the media; this neuratic fixation that says somehow everything, everything!, has to revolve around children. It's completely out of balance.

Listen, there are couple of things about kids you have to remember. First of all, they are not all cute. Yeah, in fact if you look at them closely some of them are rather unpleasant looking, and some of them dont smell good either, alright? Stay with me on this, the sooner you face it the better off you're gonna be. Second premise, not all children are smart and clever. Got that? Kids are like any other group of people, a few winners, a whole lot of losers. There are a lot of loser kids out there who simply are not gonna go anywhere. You can't save them all, you gotta let them go, you gotta cut them loose. You gotta stop over-protecting them because you are making them too soft.

Today's kids are way too soft. For one thing, there is too much emphasis on safety. Child proof medicine bottles, fire proof pajamas, child restrained car seats... and helmets! Baseball, bicycles, skateboard helmets. Kids have to wear helmets now for everything except jerking off! Grown-ups have taken all the fun from being a kid just to save a few thousand lives. It's pathetic. What's happening is that these soft fruity baby boomers are raising an entire generation of soft fruity kids who aren't allowed to have hazardous toys. Whatever happened to natural selection; survival of the fittest? The kid who swallowed too many marbles doesn't grow up to have kids of his own. Simple as that. Nature knows best. We're saving entirely too many lives in this country of all ages. Nature should be allowed to do its job of killing off the weak and sickly and ignorant people without interference from airbags and bating helmets. Just think of it as passive eugenics.

Now here's another example of over-protection: Do you ever notice on TV news, every time some guy with an AK-47 stralls on to a school yard and kills three or four kids and a couple of teachers. The next day the school is over-run with councilers and psychiatrists and grief councilers and trauma therapists, trying to help the children cope. Shit, when I was in school, someone came to our school and killed three or four of us, we went right on with our arithmatic. 35 classmates minus 4 equals 31. We were tough. I say if kids can handle the violence at home, they should be able to handle the violence at school.

Here's another bunch of ignorant shit, school uniforms. Bad theory! The idea that if kids wear uniforms to school it helps keep order. Don't these schools make enough damage making all these kids think alike? Now they're gonna get them to look alike too? And it's not a new idea. I first saw it on an old news reels from the 1930's, but it was hard to understand because the narration was in German!

One more item about children, and that is, the superstitious nonsense that blames tobacco companies for kids who smoke. Listen, kids don't smoke because the camel in sunglasses tells them to. They smoke for the same reasons adults do: because it relieves anxiety and depression. And you'd be anxious and depressed too if you had to put up with these pathetic insecure striving anal yuppy parents who enroll you in college before you're old enough to know which side of the plate pen smells the worst. And then they fill you full of riddle and drag you all over town in search of meaningless structure: little league, cub scouts, swimming, soccer, karate, piano, bagpipes, water colors, witch craft, glass blowing, and dildo practice. They even have play dates for Christ's sakes. Playing is now done by appointment! Whatever happened to: you show me your weewee and I'll show you mine? No wonder kids smoke... it helps! Not as much as weed, but hey, you can't have everything.

You know it's true. Parents are burning these kids out on structure. I think every day all children should have three hours of day-dreaming. Just day-dreaming. You can use a little of it yourself. just sit at the window and stare at the clouds, it's good for you. If you wanna know how you can help your children: Leave them the fuck alone!"


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