Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Synopsis of child welfare fraud

Synopsis of child welfare fraud

When people read stories of children being snatched by SOSCF/CPS/DSS, etc. from parents who assert that they have never maltreated their children, I realize that their first question is always: "Why?" Why would a government agency that exists to protect children from abuse and neglect traumatize children by snatching them from their homes and families without good reason? There are two reasons. One is a sick, narcissistic mentality of social control and "re-structuring" by a faction of people who consider themselves god-like.


  1. God is their game,and they are even allowed to break confidentiality,and get away with this Malpractice.
    In a Nursing scenario,i would have been suspended forthwith,pending investigation.
    One afternoon, a Social Worker rang my mobile phone, with reference to a Case,PAIN,were dealing with.
    The so called professional,tried to verbally abuse,and told me , to butt out,She had no permission from our Client,verbally, or in writing, to say that she could even discus the matter.
    On another occasion,a Social Worker,gave out the contact details,to the ex Husband, of one of my Clients, who had been violent in the past.
    Alison Stevens Parents Against Injustice.

  2. Alisonegypt

    Please email me.



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