Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

It's almost that time of year again...

Yes Folks!  National Child Abuse Propaganda Month is right around the corner!

National Child Abuse Propaganda Month is the time of year when my news feeds fill right up with Pro-CPS and System Suck garbage.

Its the time of year when the stupid are encouraged to rat out their friends and neighbors...

"It's as simple as going with your gut," said Gloria Bunce, executive director at CASA Kane County. "You lose nothing by making a hotline call. But a child can lose so much more." 
The Department of Children and Family Services hotline is (800) 252-2873 or (800) 25-ABUSE.
It's the time of year for the Child Protective Industries Pinwheel Planting & Fun and Games Fundraising Events!
Pinwheels for Prevention of Child Abuse and Sexual Assault 5K and Walk April 6.
Line up for some fun: Rodeo parade prepares to ride into town
Freedom Run To Raise Money For Prevent Child Abuse NJ
NEWS: No Excuse For Abuse 5k run set for April 20

They'll come up with all kinds of original ideas for getting you to dip into your pockets and give them more money so that they can boost their profits off of stolen and targeted children.
Boxed lunches to support Stop Child Abuse and Neglect
And of course everything is going to get all blown out of proportion, as they try to convince society that child abuse is a one size fits all label while focusing on only the most horrific cases.

Mother and therapist of Sandusky victim to speak at fundraiser
One of the child protective industries favorite April traditions is Number Fluffing.  Number fluffing is the art of using the wrong set of numbers, for example the number of calls to the child abuse hotline, as a way of demonstrating the size and severity of child abuse in ones community.  What they don't tell you is that approximately 85% of the calls to the child abuse hotline are either unsubstantiated or do not rise to a level where an investigation would be warranted.  Therefore the number of calls to the child abuse hotline is more an indicator of how many CPS Rats live in ones community rather than anything else.  

It's all about increasing the number of calls to the hotline, so that they can make the problem appear worse than it actually is.  And of course the good little group thinking sheep comply without question while those with some kind of education on the subject of ratting out parents seems to stay the same.
"It's not a poor minority problem. It's an everyone problem," Cowart said, noting that more cases of physical and sexual abuse against children are being reported each year, but the number reported from mandated reporters has remained constant.
I wonder what the actual percentage rate of substantiated cases was?  

They may never want the world to know.  Smaller numbers simply don't make as big of an impact.

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