Legally Kidnapped
Saturday, March 31, 2012
I Was Abused in Foster Care
I Was Abused in Foster Care
Between 7 - 14 I was sent to several different foster homes, the ones that weren't so bad were the places where I remember being locked in basements and closets and going days without food.
Just an interesting PDF, I believe from Montana CPS.
Mexican Man Denied Entry to US for Son's Funeral
Mexican Man Denied Entry to US for Son's Funeral
A Mexican man claims that he was unable to attend the funeral of his 10-year old son because immigration authorities denied his entry to the United States.
Safety cracks in foster policies
Safety cracks in foster policies
Twice he was injured while in the care of his foster parents. The second time he nearly died, suffering multiple fractures, retinal and subdural hemorrhaging, and frequent seizures. His ordeal — only now brought into public view through a civil lawsuit and renewed investigations — raises fresh questions over the effectiveness of recent overhauls to Missouri's child protection system.
It's That Time Of Year Again
Yes Folks! Tomorrow begins...
National Child Abuse Propaganda Month
Where all month long, CPS Agents and System Sucks of all shapes and sizes get together to glorify themselves, raise awareness, and blow the issue of child abuse and neglect out of proportion with their one size fits all labels.
National Child Abuse Propaganda Month
Where all month long, CPS Agents and System Sucks of all shapes and sizes get together to glorify themselves, raise awareness, and blow the issue of child abuse and neglect out of proportion with their one size fits all labels.
In North Texas...
Volunteers for Patsy's House Children's Advocacy Center hope to remind the public of that everyday reality by placing more than 1,300 pinwheels — one for every report of child abuse in the organization's service area
In Indiana...
The Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline received over 151,000 reports of child abuse just last year. The Agency responded to almost 95,000 of these reports to assess the allegations.
However, National Data shows that 38.3% of these reports don't even rise to the level where an investigation is warranted, and of those that are investigated, only 24.1% are substantiated...
How many children were reported and received an investigation or assessment for abuse and neglect?
During Federal fiscal year 2007, an estimated 3.2 million referrals, involving the alleged maltreatment of approximately 5.8 million children, were referred to CPS agencies.
- Approximately 62 percent (61.7%) of referrals were screened in for investigation or assessment by CPS agencies.
- Approximately 25 (25.2%) percent of the investigations or assessments determined at least one child who was found to be a victim of abuse or neglect with the following report dispositions: 24.1 percent substantiated, 0.6 percent indicated, and 0.5 percent alternative response victim.
- More than 74 percent of the investigations or assessments determined that the child was not a victim of maltreatment with the following dispositions: 61.3 percent unsubstantiated, 6.1 percent alternative response nonvictim, 5.7 percent "other," 1.6 percent closed with no finding, and 0.0 percent intentionally false.
In ONALASKA, Wisconsin they used to base the number of pinwheels on the number of reports, substantiated or not, but now they have some other means of choosing a number.
In years past, each pinwheel has represented a reported child abused case. This year, organizers are hoping to send a different message.
"We wanted to make it a positive message to let everybody know the difference they can make in the life of a child, so we wanted them to represent 3000 things that adults can do in the community to make it a better place for children," said Stepping Stones Program Director Jeanne Meyer.
In Utah the number of pinwheels apparently means nothing...
During the month of April, 50,000 pinwheels will be on display across the state as a visual reminder of the children who face abuse.
The purpose of the pinwheels is to stand as a visual reminder for children who are abused an neglected, and should be one for every abused or neglected child. However the smaller number's such as the number of substantiated cases don't have as big of an impact on the influential minds of the sheep. Therefore it is important to make it look worse than it actually is.
Of course there are a few who get it right. Here's one example.
Child abuse continues to be a problem in Wyoming. In 2011, there were 718 child victims and 448 substantiated cases of child abuse and neglect in Wyoming, according to the Wyoming National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System report.
And there is one hell of a big difference in Kentucky.
According to state child protective services, more than 17,000 Kentucky children were victims of abuse or neglect in 2011. But, we know that that number is actually higher. Not all incidences of abuse or neglect get reported so the authorities can investigate.
All month long, symbols from blue clothes to cardboard cut outs will be used as visual representations of abused and neglected children. There will even be cookies with CASA!
Not only is April a month for raising awareness of child abuse...
In Tennessee, for example...
Kappa Delta Sorority is hosting its annual Shamrock Golf Tournament at Eagle Bluff Golf Course on Saturday, March 31. Proceeds benefit the Children’s Advocacy Center of Hamilton County. Cost for entering the tournament is $400 per team. Tee-off begins at 8 a.m.
In Michigan, there will be an event...
It is free to attend but a donation for Furneaux’s organization “Justice for Lily” will be collected.
Light of Hope run/walk for CASA will take place in Riverbend Park in the Old Mill District. Proceeds will benefit the nonprofit, which advocates for children in the court system.
Last year's wishing well campaign at the mall raised about $1,300 for Bridge of Hope Child Advocacy Center
So as you can see there is another motive for Child Abuse Propaganda month, it's a time for raising money as well.
‘Steve Urkel’ Jaleel White Addresses Allegations of Abuse
‘Steve Urkel’ Jaleel White Addresses Allegations of Abuse
You undoubtedly remember Jaleel White best for his role on the 90′s ABC hit Family Matters, where he took over with his breakout character Steve Urkel and the catchphrase “did I do that?”
Foster parent now convicted sex offender
Foster parent now convicted sex offender
A former foster parent was sentenced to 30 years in prison for sexually assaulting a boy he fostered on and off for four years.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Former foster dad sentenced for molesting 8-year-old boy
Former foster dad sentenced for molesting 8-year-old boy
Following a three-day trial in Lincoln County Superior Court, a Lincolnton man has been sentenced to at least a quarter of a century behind bars for molesting a child at his residence.
As I was saying about child protective services
As I was saying about child protective services
Our CPS horror story last time, about a year ago, that kicked off this post, was from Canada. Today's is about the United States: Pennsylvania, to be specific. (Cue liberal commentators: "That's just one side of the story. Maybe it didn't really happen that way." We'll take that as read and move on. I'm inclined to believe the circumstantially detailed version the HSLDA gives of the story. Remembering that the HSLDA, being a bunch of lawyers, is no doubt well aware that they themselves could be sued for libel if they are recklessly spreading a false story, especially since they name the social worker involved.)
Our CPS horror story last time, about a year ago, that kicked off this post, was from Canada. Today's is about the United States: Pennsylvania, to be specific. (Cue liberal commentators: "That's just one side of the story. Maybe it didn't really happen that way." We'll take that as read and move on. I'm inclined to believe the circumstantially detailed version the HSLDA gives of the story. Remembering that the HSLDA, being a bunch of lawyers, is no doubt well aware that they themselves could be sued for libel if they are recklessly spreading a false story, especially since they name the social worker involved.)
Anti-government 'sovereign movement' on the rise in U.S.
Anti-government 'sovereign movement' on the rise in U.S.
Gary Thomas will never forget the letter he received in early 2000. It was from John Joe Gray, a suspect in a felony assault case, offering a not-so-subtle warning to the area's chief criminal investigator: He had no intention of answering charges that he had attacked a state trooper.
Note: Well, they are kind of pissing people off now a days, aren't they?
Politician John Edwards battling Paternity
Politician John Edwards battling Paternity
Politician Edwards has yet to admit that he is the father of a “love child” between him and a former aide. Documents state that he is indeed the father. It has been reported that there is an ongoing battle dealing with money between Rielle hunter, the mother and Edwards. The baby is 22-month old Frances Quinn Hunter. Hunter wants more than $17,000 a month in support for expenses such as eating out, club dues and memberships, security guards, and for haircuts and for home rental expenses.
Immigration Enforcement Separated Thousands Of U.S.-Born Children From Parents
Immigration Enforcement Separated Thousands Of U.S.-Born Children From Parents
In the first half of 2011 alone, nearly 46,500 parents of U.S.-born children were forced to leave the country,according to a report released on Monday by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
California Says Child Welfare Data Is Missing
California Says Child Welfare Data Is Missing
The California Department of Child Support Services has notified the public that storage devices containing the personal information of 800,000 persons has gone missing in the mail.
The California Department of Child Support Services has notified the public that storage devices containing the personal information of 800,000 persons has gone missing in the mail.
Okla. to report more accurate account of abuse
Okla. to report more accurate account of abuse
Improving Oklahoma's troubled child welfare system includes a more transparent account of reporting abuse and neglect, according to a state plan released Friday.
Improving Oklahoma's troubled child welfare system includes a more transparent account of reporting abuse and neglect, according to a state plan released Friday.
County Not Liable to Outraged Foster Family
County Not Liable to Outraged Foster Family
A federal judge awarded summary judgment to a child-services department facing claims by a foster family that took in a child described as a future "Jeffrey Dahmer."
A federal judge awarded summary judgment to a child-services department facing claims by a foster family that took in a child described as a future "Jeffrey Dahmer."
Police investigating death of handicapped foster child in NYC
Police investigating death of handicapped foster child in NYC
Police are investigating the bathtub death of a severely handicapped child in the New York City home of her foster parents.
Police are investigating the bathtub death of a severely handicapped child in the New York City home of her foster parents.
More police 'working on hacking than child sex abuse'
More police 'working on hacking than child sex abuse'
MORE than five times as many police officers are investigating phone hacking than are tracking down paedophiles in London, the Leveson Inquiry was told yesterday.
Abuse victims offered up to £60k
Abuse victims offered up to £60k
Seven people were convicted after the abuse inquiry, with four linked to Haut de la Garenne
Seven people were convicted after the abuse inquiry, with four linked to Haut de la Garenne
State auditor slams L.A. County oversight of mistreated children
State auditor slams L.A. County oversight of mistreated children
A report by the state auditor describes widespread deficiencies in Los Angeles County’s oversight of abused and neglected children, finding that many long-standing problems involving the speed and quality of child-abuse investigations remain unresolved despite years of high-profile promises by the Board of Supervisors to fix them.
A report by the state auditor describes widespread deficiencies in Los Angeles County’s oversight of abused and neglected children, finding that many long-standing problems involving the speed and quality of child-abuse investigations remain unresolved despite years of high-profile promises by the Board of Supervisors to fix them.
False Child Abuse Report Leads To Jail Time For Sisters
False Child Abuse Report Leads To Jail Time For Sisters
The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) wants you to know how serious they take afalse child abuse report. Severe penalties can result as a pair of family members can attest.
The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) wants you to know how serious they take afalse child abuse report. Severe penalties can result as a pair of family members can attest.
Extradition kept Mont. mom from kids in Bahamas
Extradition kept Mont. mom from kids in Bahamas
Investigators knew early on that three Montana children reported missing in August had been living with their father and stepmother on a sailboat in the Bahamas, but could do nothing because of an arduous extradition process, police in Montana said.
Investigators knew early on that three Montana children reported missing in August had been living with their father and stepmother on a sailboat in the Bahamas, but could do nothing because of an arduous extradition process, police in Montana said.
Foster care for American Indian children too frequent in Utah
Foster care for American Indian children too frequent in Utah
More than 33 years after Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act, American Indian children in Utah are still being removed from their homes and placed in foster care far too often -- a troubling statistic that is the focus of the state's tribes and government officials.
More than 33 years after Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act, American Indian children in Utah are still being removed from their homes and placed in foster care far too often -- a troubling statistic that is the focus of the state's tribes and government officials.
Teen admits sex with four-year-old boy at Calgary foster home for more than year
Teen admits sex with four-year-old boy at Calgary foster home for more than year
A 13-year-old boy has admitted he had sex with a four-year-old boy on a regular basis for a year at the Calgary foster home in which they resided, after watching "gay porn" on the home computer.
Embattled foster system draws new fire
Embattled foster system draws new fire
The troubled county Department of Children and Family Services came in for new criticism on Thursday with a California State Auditor report pointing out flaws in the agency's handling of child abuse and neglect allegations.
The troubled county Department of Children and Family Services came in for new criticism on Thursday with a California State Auditor report pointing out flaws in the agency's handling of child abuse and neglect allegations.
Social Worker kidnaps newborn to administer forced Vaccination
Social Worker kidnaps newborn to administer forced Vaccination
Another shocking case of tyrannical, overzealous social workers and hospital staff has unfolded in Pennsylvania, where a mom who just gave birth in an ambulance to a healthy baby girl was threatened by a government social worker and accused of not allowing her child to receive "medical treatment." (A claim which is factually false.) In reality, the new mom, exhausting from giving birth in an ambulance, was merely asking questions and trying to determine how her newborn daughter was being treated by hospital staff.
Another shocking case of tyrannical, overzealous social workers and hospital staff has unfolded in Pennsylvania, where a mom who just gave birth in an ambulance to a healthy baby girl was threatened by a government social worker and accused of not allowing her child to receive "medical treatment." (A claim which is factually false.) In reality, the new mom, exhausting from giving birth in an ambulance, was merely asking questions and trying to determine how her newborn daughter was being treated by hospital staff.
Stability is 1st priority for foster kids
Stability is 1st priority for foster kids
When Jacob Rusher was in his second foster home, he excelled: He maintained a 3.7 grade-point average, played sports and wasn't sent to the principal's office even once.
Note: Only because they were sued by Children's Rights. It has nothing to do with good people doing the right thing.
When Jacob Rusher was in his second foster home, he excelled: He maintained a 3.7 grade-point average, played sports and wasn't sent to the principal's office even once.
Note: Only because they were sued by Children's Rights. It has nothing to do with good people doing the right thing.
DCF wants to make sure all parents can tell real DCF workers from a fake
DCF wants to make sure all parents can tell real DCF workers from a fake
DCF badges standardized to minimize fraud
DCF badges standardized to minimize fraud
Since January of this year, the Florida Department of Children and Families was made aware of four cases in which people impersonated a field investigator. .
Since January of this year, the Florida Department of Children and Families was made aware of four cases in which people impersonated a field investigator. .
DHS plans to add 200 child welfare workers, close shelters
DHS plans to add 200 child welfare workers, close shelters
DHS wants to add 200 new child welfare specialists to its workforce over the next two years and stop using its often-overcrowded shelters to care for abused and neglected babies.
State: Management problems at LA child welfare
State: Management problems at LA child welfare
A state auditor's report has uncovered widespread problems with management of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services that hampered efforts to protect children.
A state auditor's report has uncovered widespread problems with management of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services that hampered efforts to protect children.
Domino Effect – A Child Welfare Fable
I'm sorry for posting this link. I simply couldn't resist.
I just love reading blogs where the clueless tries to educate the public on issues that they don't understand. I love the ideologies that could never be realized and the cuteness with which they tell their fairy-tales. It's kind of an escape from the systematic failures, fraud and day to day corruption, until you get to the 3rd or 4th paragraph and come to realize that this is simply more regurgitation from whatever training they attended recently.
Sigh... If only the reality could be so fantastic. Eh? Anyway, I left a comment that probably won't be moderated in. Here it is.
I don’t think that those involved with child welfare should be more pro-active with the media, but rather the media should be more pro-active with child welfare. That way the system which just happens to be ripe with fraud and fails children left and right in secret thanks to confidentiality laws would be subjected to the kinds of checks and balances that the freedom of the press was supposed to insure. It’s all going to come out sooner or later.
I just love reading blogs where the clueless tries to educate the public on issues that they don't understand. I love the ideologies that could never be realized and the cuteness with which they tell their fairy-tales. It's kind of an escape from the systematic failures, fraud and day to day corruption, until you get to the 3rd or 4th paragraph and come to realize that this is simply more regurgitation from whatever training they attended recently.
Domino Effect – A Child Welfare Fable
What does this have to do with child welfare?
Sigh... If only the reality could be so fantastic. Eh? Anyway, I left a comment that probably won't be moderated in. Here it is.
I don’t think that those involved with child welfare should be more pro-active with the media, but rather the media should be more pro-active with child welfare. That way the system which just happens to be ripe with fraud and fails children left and right in secret thanks to confidentiality laws would be subjected to the kinds of checks and balances that the freedom of the press was supposed to insure. It’s all going to come out sooner or later.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Custody row: Norway Child Welfare Service to hand over kids to their uncle
Custody row: Norway Child Welfare Service to hand over kids to their uncle
OSLO: After being kept in foster care for nearly ten months, NRI children Abhigyan and Aishwariya will be handed to their patenral uncle, Norway's Child Welfare Service (CWS) said on Thursday night.
Maine Voices: There is no scandal with the guardian ad litem system in Maine
Note: This article is absolute bullshit. The scandal is that Maine's Guardian Ad Litem's are bought and sold just as easily as any other system suck. Their recommendations are often based on nothing more than what the nice social worker tells them or that which benefits their own wallets.
Maine Voices: There is no scandal with the guardian ad litem system in Maine
Dr. Jerome Collins' recent critique of the guardian ad litem "system" in Maine (Maine Voices, "Maine's guardian ad litem program desperately needs better oversight," March 9) recites some weaknesses in the supervision of guardians ad litem in Maine, identified in reports by the Office of Program Evaluation and Governmental Accountability in 2006, and by the Report of the Advisory Committee on Children and Families, the judicial branch's 2008 response.
When Opium Was For Newborns And Bayer Sold Heroin
When Opium Was For Newborns And Bayer Sold Heroin
There was a time when mothers gave their babies opium, people bought hallucinogens at the local bar, and anxious patriots sent hypodermic needles and cocaine to soldiers as a present. It was called The Great Binge, and it's probably wrong to feel sad that it's over.
Over-medication in foster care at issue
Over-medication in foster care at issue
In December, the U.S. Government Accountability Office issued a report saying that foster children were far more likely to be prescribed psychiatric medication than children who weren't in foster care.
The 'experts' who break up families: The terrifying story of the prospective MP branded an unfit mother by experts who'd never met her - a nightmare shared by many other families
The 'experts' who break up families: The terrifying story of the prospective MP branded an unfit mother by experts who'd never met her - a nightmare shared by many other families
A little over a year ago, Lucy Allan led what most people would regard as an eminently respectable life.
Weatherill pledges forced adoptions apology
Weatherill pledges forced adoptions apology
From the 1950s until 1980, more than 17,000 children were adopted in SA, many through forced removal by agencies or churches.
DHS commissioner accused of misconduct in letter
DHS commissioner accused of misconduct in letter
Commissioners responsible for fixing Oklahoma's troubled child welfare system have been fighting among themselves - with one commissioner going so far as to write a letter to colleagues accusing a fellow commissioner of misconduct.
Russia Struggles to Reform Soviet-Era Orphanages
Russia Struggles to Reform Soviet-Era Orphanages
Vikenty was 13 when he started school. Although he was being taught in the Moscow children’s home that provided his earliest memories, he knew something wasn’t right.
Pa. AG to answer Sandusky’s request to have child sexual abuse criminal charges dismissed
Pa. AG to answer Sandusky’s request to have child sexual abuse criminal charges dismissed
Pennsylvania prosecutors face a Thursday deadline to file their response to former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky’s request that a judge dismiss the child sexual abuse charges pending against him.
State looking into arrests of teens charged in murder plot at Deltona group home
State looking into arrests of teens charged in murder plot at Deltona group home
The state Department of Children & Families is reviewing the arrests of three foster teens charged with conspiring to murder a staff worker, as well as a history of repeated police calls to their group home, a state official said.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Governor appeals for more Native American foster parents to care for children in state custody
Governor appeals for more Native American foster parents to care for children in state custody
Gov. Susana Martinez says New Mexico needs more Native Americans willing to serve as foster families.
Texas boy missing 8 years to remain in foster care
Texas boy missing 8 years to remain in foster care
A judge has ruled that a Houston boy who disappeared as an infant eight years ago and who was recently found will remain in foster care while officials determine whether he should be reunited with his parents.
Teens Face Judge In Conspiracy To Kill Foster Mom Case
Teens Face Judge In Conspiracy To Kill Foster Mom Case
Three teenage girls who are accused of conspiring to kill their foster parent made their first court appearance.
Judge to make decision on whether Texas boy found after 8 years can see parents
Judge to make decision on whether Texas boy found after 8 years can see parents
A Houston boy who disappeared eight years ago and was found earlier this month could soon be reunited with his parents, or he might remain in foster care.
Norway custody row: Kids to meet uncle today
Norway custody row: Kids to meet uncle today
Oslo: Abhigyan (3) and Aishwarya (1), the two kids who were forcibly taken away from their parents - an NRI couple - and put under foster care by Norwegian authorities nearly 13 months ago, are expected to meet their uncle on Wednesday.
Judge: Wendrow family can continue its lawsuit over dismissed child abuse accusations
Judge: Wendrow family can continue its lawsuit over dismissed child abuse accusations
An Oakland County family can continue its lawsuit against officials who took the children away and jailed the parents on charges of sexually assaulting their severely autistic daughter, a judge ruled Tuesday.
New foster children solution found
New foster children solution found
Alberta Human Services is preparing to hand over responsibility for several hundred aboriginal foster children to local agencies, Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society and Boyle Street Community Services.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Killer foster mom should serve 6 years in prison: Crown
Killer foster mom should serve 6 years in prison: Crown
The Crown wants an Edmonton foster mother who fatally beat a four-year-old niece in her care to serve six more years in prison, while the defence suggests probation.
Church Spent Decades Stealing or Coercing Babies from Unwed Mothers
Church Spent Decades Stealing or Coercing Babies from Unwed Mothers
Ever the bastion of mercy and forgiveness for wayward women, Catholic church-run charities around the world stand accused of forcing unwed mothers to give up their babies for adoption — or lying and telling them their babies had died and then giving the babies away, anyway. Depressingly, Operation Hand The Baby Over, You Hellbound Adultress wasn't a relic of Torquemada-era moralizing; the most recent cases of forced or coerced adoption are said to have occurred in the late 1980's. And punitive tactics used on pregnant women then sound oddly like language used in laws designed to be abortion deterrents today.
"Dismal record" for LA's emancipated foster kid housing
"Dismal record" for LA's emancipated foster kid housing
A recently released audit report on the Transitional Housing Program Plus(THP Plus) run by the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) by county auditor-controller Wendy Watanabe, at left, found a dismal record for emancipated foster youth who participated in the 2 year program, reports Christina Villacorte for the Los Angeles Daily News.
State to send help for CPS investigator shortage
State to send help for CPS investigator shortage
Additional Child Protective Services investigators will arrive next month in Midland to help clear cases that have piled up amid a staffing shortage at the agency's local office.
Catholic bishop had no "duty" to report child abuse: lawyer
Catholic bishop had no "duty" to report child abuse: lawyer
A Catholic Bishop in Kansas City did not have a legal obligation to report suspected child sexual abuse by a local priest even if he knew about it, a lawyer for the bishop said on Tuesday.
Democrats accuse DHHS commissioner of a "cover up"
Democrats accuse DHHS commissioner of a "cover up"
Democrats in the Legislature are accusing Health and Human Services Commissioner Mary Mayhew of trying to cover up a problem with the department's computer system.
Democrats in the Legislature are accusing Health and Human Services Commissioner Mary Mayhew of trying to cover up a problem with the department's computer system.
Reno woman arrested for biting boy
Reno woman arrested for biting boy
A 21-year-old Reno woman has been arrested for child abuse for allegedly biting a 5-year-old boy.
Teens Accused Of Conspiring To Kill Foster Mom
Teens Accused Of Conspiring To Kill Foster Mom
Three teenage girls are under arrest after police said they were conspiring to kill their foster parent.
Boy testifies against former foster parent in sex case
Boy testifies against former foster parent in sex case
An 11-year-old boy said his foster father sexually assaulted him multiple times a week when he was 6- and 7-years-old.
Teens Accused Of Conspiring To Kill Foster Mom
Three teens face felony counts of conspiring to commit murder.
Stephen Smith condemns Taliban's use of child in suicide bomb injuring aid worker
Stephen Smith condemns Taliban's use of child in suicide bomb injuring aid worker
DEFENCE Minister Stephen Smith has condemned as "revolting and contemptible" the Taliban's use of a child suicide bomber in the attack that left Australian aid worker David Savage badly wounded.
TV shame of struck-off social worker John Wymark-Hoar
TV shame of struck-off social worker John Wymark-Hoar
A SOCIAL worker who has been struck off over sickening child abuse images found on his work computer was suspended 15 years ago – after confessing on TV to a passion for orgies.
Social worker abducted and assaulted on home visit
Social worker abducted and assaulted on home visit
Holly Loudoun was forced to her knees and hit repeatedly as three teenagers discussed what they would do to her.
Your baby is dead: Mothers say stillborn babies were stolen from them
Your baby is dead: Mothers say stillborn babies were stolen from them
This is how the woman, then young, remembered the August day in 1963 on which she gave birth to her illegitimate daughter: She was in an Edmonton hospital; the doctor ordered she receive an injection. She blacked out, and when she started to come to, a male voice said: "Knock her out."
Same-sex couple fights alleged sperm donor over child visitation rights
Same-sex couple fights alleged sperm donor over child visitation rights
A child custody case pending in Genesee Circuit Court is pitting a lesbian couple against a man they claim to have paid to be a donor for their daughter, Trinitee.
A child custody case pending in Genesee Circuit Court is pitting a lesbian couple against a man they claim to have paid to be a donor for their daughter, Trinitee.
Slovenians reject homosexual adoption rights
Slovenians reject homosexual adoption rights
Slovenians on Sunday rejected a law that would have let homosexuals adopt their partners' children, prelimina
Slovenians reject gay adoption right in referendum
Slovenians on Sunday rejected a law that would have let homosexuals adopt their partners' children, prelimina
Slovenians reject gay adoption right in referendum
Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court, caught up in the high-profile Obamacare arguments that started today, have refused to intervene in a case where deputies threatened parents with the forced removal of their children unless they agreed to let social workers, who did not have a warrant or probable case, search their home.
Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court, caught up in the high-profile Obamacare arguments that started today, have refused to intervene in a case where deputies threatened parents with the forced removal of their children unless they agreed to let social workers, who did not have a warrant or probable case, search their home.
Teacher wins removal from list of suspected child abusers
Teacher wins removal from list of suspected child abusers
Hoffman Estates instructor invited student to move in with her, did not tell school district
Hoffman Estates instructor invited student to move in with her, did not tell school district
DSS to ask for more Child Protection Services investigators
DSS to ask for more Child Protection Services investigators
The Rowan County Department of Social Services will be asking county officials to fund two more investigators for Child Protective Services.
The Rowan County Department of Social Services will be asking county officials to fund two more investigators for Child Protective Services.
Reno woman arrested for allegedly biting boy in foster care
Reno woman arrested for allegedly biting boy in foster care
A 21-year-old Reno woman has been arrested for child abuse for allegedly biting a 5-year-old boy.
A 21-year-old Reno woman has been arrested for child abuse for allegedly biting a 5-year-old boy.
Care facility fined after 8-year-old's death
Care facility fined after 8-year-old's death
Caretakers complained that the 8-year-old girl's lap belt was so tight it induced vomiting and left bruising on her hips. But it was important that she be fastened securely in her wheelchair, and the strap needed to be snug to prevent her from scooting forward.
Caretakers complained that the 8-year-old girl's lap belt was so tight it induced vomiting and left bruising on her hips. But it was important that she be fastened securely in her wheelchair, and the strap needed to be snug to prevent her from scooting forward.
Missing baby feared dead; Sacramento County deputies criticize CPS
Missing baby feared dead; Sacramento County deputies criticize CPS
Law enforcement authorities are worried that a baby boy last seen 11 months ago may be dead, and they say Sacramento County Child Protective Services failed for all that time to alert them the boy was missing.
Law enforcement authorities are worried that a baby boy last seen 11 months ago may be dead, and they say Sacramento County Child Protective Services failed for all that time to alert them the boy was missing.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Court orders aid resumed to former foster child despite some bad grades
Court orders aid resumed to former foster child despite some bad grades
A state appeals court ruled that the DCF was wrong to cast a former foster child out of a financial aid program.
A state appeals court ruled that the DCF was wrong to cast a former foster child out of a financial aid program.
Anonymous Joins Custody Battle, Helps Mother Find Daughter
Anonymous Joins Custody Battle, Helps Mother Find Daughter
The woman was Dr. Lori Handrahan, a college professor at American University who claims her four-year-old daughter had been kidnapped by her ex-husband, Igor Malenko. It's not in PCMag's domain to investigate her allegations or sympathize with either party, but what I can tell you is that, curiously, I have not found any mainstream coverage of this distressed-sounding mother's case.
The woman was Dr. Lori Handrahan, a college professor at American University who claims her four-year-old daughter had been kidnapped by her ex-husband, Igor Malenko. It's not in PCMag's domain to investigate her allegations or sympathize with either party, but what I can tell you is that, curiously, I have not found any mainstream coverage of this distressed-sounding mother's case.
Foster parent on trial for child sex crimes
Foster parent on trial for child sex crimes
Jurors will decide this week if a former foster parent sexually abused a boy who was in his care over the course of four years.
Jurors will decide this week if a former foster parent sexually abused a boy who was in his care over the course of four years.
Children in provincial care sue Alberta government
Children in provincial care sue Alberta government
A massive lawsuit claiming the Alberta government failed to take legal action or seek compensation on behalf of children in its care is moving towards trial.
A massive lawsuit claiming the Alberta government failed to take legal action or seek compensation on behalf of children in its care is moving towards trial.
Aggressive 'helicopter' parents force egg hunt cancellation
Aggressive 'helicopter' parents force egg hunt cancellation
Organizers of an annual Easter egg hunt attended by hundreds of children have canceled this year's event, citing the behavior of aggressive parents who swarmed into the tiny park last year, determined that their kids get an egg.
Organizers of an annual Easter egg hunt attended by hundreds of children have canceled this year's event, citing the behavior of aggressive parents who swarmed into the tiny park last year, determined that their kids get an egg.
Alarm mix-up leads to CPS report
A single mom wouldn't let police in her home during a mistaken alarm report, and they reported her to CPS
CPS sees major staffing, backlog issues in Austin
CPS sees major staffing, backlog issues in Austin
Roger Smotts a special investigator from Dallas and Jackie Clark-Winfrey a child abuse investigator from Fort Worth, are in Austin to help with the backlog of cases.
Roger Smotts a special investigator from Dallas and Jackie Clark-Winfrey a child abuse investigator from Fort Worth, are in Austin to help with the backlog of cases.
Report: Former Penn State coach Sandusky was called a 'likely pedophile' in 1998
Report: Former Penn State coach Sandusky was called a 'likely pedophile' in 1998
A psychologist who looked into a 1998 allegation against former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky told police at the time that his behavior fit the profile of a likely pedophile, NBC News reported Saturday.
Note: And the state continued to give him foster children anyway. Go figure.
A psychologist who looked into a 1998 allegation against former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky told police at the time that his behavior fit the profile of a likely pedophile, NBC News reported Saturday.
Note: And the state continued to give him foster children anyway. Go figure.
Texas Foster Care Class Action Stumped by the 5th Circuit
Texas Foster Care Class Action Stumped by the 5th Circuit
On Friday, class action status was denied to a suit concerning 12, 000 children brought over the quality of the foster care program in the state. The New Orleans based 5th Circuit ruled that the children did not have enough in common to allow grouping their complaints in a class action against the state.
On Friday, class action status was denied to a suit concerning 12, 000 children brought over the quality of the foster care program in the state. The New Orleans based 5th Circuit ruled that the children did not have enough in common to allow grouping their complaints in a class action against the state.
Supervised visits for children lack standards in Minnesota
Supervised visits for children lack standards in Minnesota
The state's visitation programs don't require licensing, training.
The state's visitation programs don't require licensing, training.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Norway kids’ mom leaves for India
Norway kids’ mom leaves for India
The mother of two Indian kids, who Norwegian child care agency had placed under foster care due to lack of parental care last year, has left for India after signing an agreement along with her husband to hand over their custody to their uncle, family sources said. Sagarika Chakraborty is expected to reach Kolkata on Monday after she left Norway two days earlier.
The mother of two Indian kids, who Norwegian child care agency had placed under foster care due to lack of parental care last year, has left for India after signing an agreement along with her husband to hand over their custody to their uncle, family sources said. Sagarika Chakraborty is expected to reach Kolkata on Monday after she left Norway two days earlier.
Kentucky's Child Welfare system is broken
Kentucky's Child Welfare system is broken
Since the onset of our 2012 Legislative Session you most likely have read newspaper coverage regarding the Kentucky General Assembly speak about redistricting and gaming. This misrepresents the real need that is being ignored Kentucky's Child Welfare System is Broken!!
Since the onset of our 2012 Legislative Session you most likely have read newspaper coverage regarding the Kentucky General Assembly speak about redistricting and gaming. This misrepresents the real need that is being ignored Kentucky's Child Welfare System is Broken!!
Time for governor to stop denying DCS failures
Time for governor to stop denying DCS failures
Were any of the Department of Child Services bureaucrats who failed to save the life of Tramelle Sturgis there when Gov. Mitch Daniels scurried to the department to praise the personnel for doing a heck of a job?
Were any of the Department of Child Services bureaucrats who failed to save the life of Tramelle Sturgis there when Gov. Mitch Daniels scurried to the department to praise the personnel for doing a heck of a job?
Michigan Father Killed in Marijuana Child Removal Incident
Michigan Father Killed in Marijuana Child Removal Incident
A prosecutor in northern Michigan has cleared the police officer who shot and killed a Grayling man as police and Child Protective Services (CPS) employees attempted to seize his three-year-old. The attempted removal of the minor child came after a police officer who came to the scene on a call earlier that same day reported that he smelled marijuana and reported the incident to CPS authorities, who decided the child needed to be removed. The dead man, William Reddie, 32, becomes the 17th person killed in US domestic drug law enforcement operations so far this year.
A prosecutor in northern Michigan has cleared the police officer who shot and killed a Grayling man as police and Child Protective Services (CPS) employees attempted to seize his three-year-old. The attempted removal of the minor child came after a police officer who came to the scene on a call earlier that same day reported that he smelled marijuana and reported the incident to CPS authorities, who decided the child needed to be removed. The dead man, William Reddie, 32, becomes the 17th person killed in US domestic drug law enforcement operations so far this year.
Who oversees when CPS takes the kids?
Who oversees when CPS takes the kids?
When government throws a sucker punch, the repercussions can ruin lives. And that's exactly what it looks like Kern County Child Protective Services did to one local mom when it took her two children last February without a warrant and with no evidence that the children had been harmed or were in any danger whatsoever.
When government throws a sucker punch, the repercussions can ruin lives. And that's exactly what it looks like Kern County Child Protective Services did to one local mom when it took her two children last February without a warrant and with no evidence that the children had been harmed or were in any danger whatsoever.
The Public Eye: Sacramento County silent about file on child's death
The Public Eye: Sacramento County silent about file on child's death
A recently released court file raises further questions about the death of 2-year-old Yeinira Melchor, but Sacramento County officials refuse to answer them despite a state law allowing them to do so.
A recently released court file raises further questions about the death of 2-year-old Yeinira Melchor, but Sacramento County officials refuse to answer them despite a state law allowing them to do so.
Perhaps this is the answer to the British Social Worker
These people do sell their souls to the Child Protective Industry.
Exorcist bishop called in to purge demons from Welsh souls
Exorcising demons from possessed souls and removing poltergeists from Welsh homes are two of the more unusual jobs taken on by the Bishop of Monmouth.
Note: Sorry, I know this is off topic.
Exorcist bishop called in to purge demons from Welsh souls
Exorcising demons from possessed souls and removing poltergeists from Welsh homes are two of the more unusual jobs taken on by the Bishop of Monmouth.
Note: Sorry, I know this is off topic.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Rosenblum: Adoption agencies' new hard-to-place worry? Boys
Rosenblum: Adoption agencies' new hard-to-place worry? Boys
At Children's Home Society & Family Services, Molly Rochon and her team of adoption professionals remain steadfast in their resolve to find loving families for all their waiting children.
At Children's Home Society & Family Services, Molly Rochon and her team of adoption professionals remain steadfast in their resolve to find loving families for all their waiting children.
Anonymous targets child abuse at Judge Rotenberg Educational Center Continue reading on Anonymous targets child abuse at Judge Rotenberg
Anonymous targets child abuse at Judge Rotenberg Educational Center
Anonymous hacktivists take aim at controversial special needs school for abusing and torturing children and young adults with cruel and inhumane methods, including dangerous and excruciatingly painful electric shock treatments, prolonged restraints and the withholding of food.
Anonymous hacktivists take aim at controversial special needs school for abusing and torturing children and young adults with cruel and inhumane methods, including dangerous and excruciatingly painful electric shock treatments, prolonged restraints and the withholding of food.
Help for ex-foster children often fails
Help for ex-foster children often fails
The county program that tries to help former foster kids become independent adults has taken criticism recently for failing in its task, leaving few with a high school education or the skills to survive on their own.
The county program that tries to help former foster kids become independent adults has taken criticism recently for failing in its task, leaving few with a high school education or the skills to survive on their own.
American Indian children too often in foster care
American Indian children too often in foster care
More than 33 years after Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act, American Indian children in Utah are still being removed from their homes and placed in foster care far too often — a troubling statistic that is the focus of the state’s tribes and government officials.
More than 33 years after Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act, American Indian children in Utah are still being removed from their homes and placed in foster care far too often — a troubling statistic that is the focus of the state’s tribes and government officials.
Here we go again!!!!
Another blog worthy of bringing your attention to.
Here we go again!!!!
Kind of like unwanted puppies, huh.
Here we go again!!!!
Kind of like unwanted puppies, huh.
Why do our family courts rely on 'hired gun’ experts?
Why do our family courts rely on 'hired gun’ experts?
Note: Um... Because British Social Workers aren't smart enough to do it themselves?
There was one highly unusual thing about the newspaper report yesterday on a Welsh couple, David and Julie Nevin, whose young son was removed by social workers for nine months, with a view to possible adoption. Two paediatricians had suggested that a small bruise on the boy’s forehead was caused by parental abuse – but, in this very exceptional instance, a judge found the doctors’ evidence unconvincing and ordered the boy to be returned to his parents. Hundreds of similar cases each year remain unreported because the evidence of “experts” is almost invariably accepted by the courts.
Note: Um... Because British Social Workers aren't smart enough to do it themselves?
There was one highly unusual thing about the newspaper report yesterday on a Welsh couple, David and Julie Nevin, whose young son was removed by social workers for nine months, with a view to possible adoption. Two paediatricians had suggested that a small bruise on the boy’s forehead was caused by parental abuse – but, in this very exceptional instance, a judge found the doctors’ evidence unconvincing and ordered the boy to be returned to his parents. Hundreds of similar cases each year remain unreported because the evidence of “experts” is almost invariably accepted by the courts.
Adoptive mom of missing boys gets 42 years for welfare fraud
Adoptive mom of missing boys gets 42 years for welfare fraud
A former Monument woman accused of pocketing more than $150,000 in welfare support while for years concealing the disappearance of two adopted boys was sentenced Friday to 42 years in prison.
A former Monument woman accused of pocketing more than $150,000 in welfare support while for years concealing the disappearance of two adopted boys was sentenced Friday to 42 years in prison.
Your baby is dead: Mothers say their supposedly stillborn babies were stolen from them
Your baby is dead: Mothers say their supposedly stillborn babies were stolen from them
This is how the woman, then young, remembered the August day in 1963 on which she gave birth to her illegitimate daughter: She was in an Edmonton hospital; the doctor ordered she receive an injection. She blacked out, and when she started to come to, a male voice said: “knock her out.”
This is how the woman, then young, remembered the August day in 1963 on which she gave birth to her illegitimate daughter: She was in an Edmonton hospital; the doctor ordered she receive an injection. She blacked out, and when she started to come to, a male voice said: “knock her out.”
Tips for Working With the Media - or rather: How To Sell Child Abuse Propaganda To The General Public
Here is an interesting link from North Carolina CPS. The web page that you will come to gives tips for spreading child abuse propaganda, selling snake oil, whatever you want to call it.
Tips for Working With the Media
And this is probably the best piece of information on the whole website.
Tips for Working With the Media
And this is probably the best piece of information on the whole website.
Northern Ireland ban on gay adoption upheld by Attorney General as in best interest of children
Northern Ireland ban on gay adoption upheld by Attorney General as in best interest of children
John Larkin QC,Northern Ireland’s Attorney General,has stated that the ban on gays and unmarried couples remains in response to the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission seeking to challenge the law to be in line with the rest of the UK. The Director of the NI Human Rights Commission is Fr Michael O’Flaherty,a former priest of the Diocese of Galway,and homosexual rights proponent.
John Larkin QC,Northern Ireland’s Attorney General,has stated that the ban on gays and unmarried couples remains in response to the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission seeking to challenge the law to be in line with the rest of the UK. The Director of the NI Human Rights Commission is Fr Michael O’Flaherty,a former priest of the Diocese of Galway,and homosexual rights proponent.
Montana CPS Corruption. Folks Child Protective Services is used to make money for Judges, and Corruption and your Child's best interest is rarely serv
Montana CPS Corruption. Folks Child Protective Services is used to make money for Judges, and Corruption and your Child's best interest is rarely served. Letter Send in Today.
Over the Years as an Investigative Blogger I have gotten story on top of story of corruption in the Montana CPS. I myself have seen dozens of family try to protect a child with proof to CPS and nothing is done. Yet CPS takes children where profit seems to be mad.
Over the Years as an Investigative Blogger I have gotten story on top of story of corruption in the Montana CPS. I myself have seen dozens of family try to protect a child with proof to CPS and nothing is done. Yet CPS takes children where profit seems to be mad.
Mt. Auburn man arrested after reportedly threatening to shoot child support staff
Mt. Auburn man arrested after reportedly threatening to shoot child support staff
Black Hawk County Deputies arrested a Mt. Auburn man Friday after investigators said he threatened to shoot Child Support Recovery Office staff members.
Black Hawk County Deputies arrested a Mt. Auburn man Friday after investigators said he threatened to shoot Child Support Recovery Office staff members.
Birthmom Pregnant Again!
Penelope over at Foster 2 Forever is accusing the real family members of only wanting the kid for the check.
Birthmom Pregnant Again!
The woman is genuinely evil. I'm tellin ya.
If the link doesn't work, just copy and paste this one in...
Birthmom Pregnant Again!
The woman is genuinely evil. I'm tellin ya.
If the link doesn't work, just copy and paste this one in...
US woman adopts Indian boy via video-conferencing
US woman adopts Indian boy via video-conferencing
In one of the first cases of its kind, an American woman has been allowed to adopt an Indian child through video-conferencing, after the mother and child deposed before a US district court from Delhi. The adoption did not involve the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) either, in itself a precedent. On Friday, 31-year-old Rebecca Morlock flew home with Kyle, the boy from Kalimpong who was handed over to her as a newborn four years ago.
In one of the first cases of its kind, an American woman has been allowed to adopt an Indian child through video-conferencing, after the mother and child deposed before a US district court from Delhi. The adoption did not involve the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) either, in itself a precedent. On Friday, 31-year-old Rebecca Morlock flew home with Kyle, the boy from Kalimpong who was handed over to her as a newborn four years ago.
Thousands rally against DHHS mandate on birth control, for religious freedom
These are the same people who will say - "If you can't feed em, don't breed em!"
Another threat to religious liberties in the United States is the practice of cutting off faith based adoption and foster care agencies who refuse to do business with homosexuals and transgenders based on what they view as immoral lifestyles. But you don't see anybody out there protesting against that, do you?
Of course not, because then you'll be called a bigot.
Thousands rally against DHHS mandate on birth control, for religious freedom
Across the country, thousands of people skipped lunch Friday to protest what they see as a threat to religious liberties in the United States.
Another threat to religious liberties in the United States is the practice of cutting off faith based adoption and foster care agencies who refuse to do business with homosexuals and transgenders based on what they view as immoral lifestyles. But you don't see anybody out there protesting against that, do you?
Of course not, because then you'll be called a bigot.
Court denies class in Texas foster care lawsuit
Court denies class in Texas foster care lawsuit
A federal appeals court on Friday dismissed a class action in a lawsuit challenging Texas' foster care system, but sent the case back a lower court to try again.
A federal appeals court on Friday dismissed a class action in a lawsuit challenging Texas' foster care system, but sent the case back a lower court to try again.
Federal Court Rejects Class Action In Foster Care System Lawsuit
Federal Court Rejects Class Action In Foster Care System Lawsuit
A federal appeals court has dismissed a class action in a lawsuit challenging Texas’ foster care system, but sent the case back a lower court to try again.
A federal appeals court has dismissed a class action in a lawsuit challenging Texas’ foster care system, but sent the case back a lower court to try again.
Child privacy compromised if Facebook passwords required for employment
Child privacy compromised if Facebook passwords required for employment
Privacy concerns for minor children take on a new dimension when employers demand passwords to Facebook accounts as a part of qualifying for hire. Most children are not thinking five or ten years ahead, and so there is a danger of having stupid adolescent stuff clinging to them as an adult seeking employment.
Privacy concerns for minor children take on a new dimension when employers demand passwords to Facebook accounts as a part of qualifying for hire. Most children are not thinking five or ten years ahead, and so there is a danger of having stupid adolescent stuff clinging to them as an adult seeking employment.
First Tribal IV-E Program in the Nation
First Tribal IV-E Program in the Nation
On April 1, Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe will be the first Native American community in the nation to operate its own Title IV-E foster care, kinship guardianship assistance, and adoption assistance program. Passage of the 2008 Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act (Fostering Connections) made it possible for tribal governments and consortia to apply to directly operate IV-E programs without receiving funding through state administration or agreements. Of the approximately 560 tribes in the United States, less than half even have an agreement with states to access IV-E funds. Therefore, the Indian Child Welfare Act continues to play an important role in navigating child welfare services for children and families in tribal communities.
On April 1, Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe will be the first Native American community in the nation to operate its own Title IV-E foster care, kinship guardianship assistance, and adoption assistance program. Passage of the 2008 Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act (Fostering Connections) made it possible for tribal governments and consortia to apply to directly operate IV-E programs without receiving funding through state administration or agreements. Of the approximately 560 tribes in the United States, less than half even have an agreement with states to access IV-E funds. Therefore, the Indian Child Welfare Act continues to play an important role in navigating child welfare services for children and families in tribal communities.
Social workers took away our baby for nine months: With no evidence against them, couple were banned from looking after their son
Social workers took away our baby for nine months: With no evidence against them, couple were banned from looking after their son
When Julie Nevin put her only son to bed in late December 2010, he was seven months old.
When Julie Nevin put her only son to bed in late December 2010, he was seven months old.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Merced woman charged in foster child's pool incident
Merced woman charged in foster child's pool incident
A 44-year-old woman has been charged with felony child endangerment in the April 2010 case of a 4-year-old foster child who nearly drowned in her swimming pool.
A 44-year-old woman has been charged with felony child endangerment in the April 2010 case of a 4-year-old foster child who nearly drowned in her swimming pool.
10-month-old's death in foster care prompts review of Virginia Beach Human Services Department
10-month-old's death in foster care prompts review of Virginia Beach Human Services Department
A 10-month-old boy's death in foster care has prompted a review of the Virginia Beach Human Services Department.
A 10-month-old boy's death in foster care has prompted a review of the Virginia Beach Human Services Department.
Accused Child Rapist In Ohio Has Ties to Young Republicans
Accused Child Rapist In Ohio Has Ties to Young Republicans
One of three men arrested last month in the rape of three boys near Dayton has ties to the Young Republicans of Ohio.
One of three men arrested last month in the rape of three boys near Dayton has ties to the Young Republicans of Ohio.
CPI Corp. Partners with the Dave Thomas Foundation in Placing Children in Permanent Homes
CPI Corp. Partners with the Dave Thomas Foundation in Placing Children in Permanent Homes
CPI Corp., (OTCQX: CPIC), operator of Sears Portrait Studios and PictureMe Portrait Studios®, has partnered with the Dave Thomas Foundation to help foster children find adoptive families. CPI will donate a portrait session and CD packages for Dave Thomas Foundation affiliated adoption agencies to use when working to place these children with permanent families.
Note: Pretty them up for the camera, it's good for PR and marketing purposes. Then they add a profile similar to what you see on a dating site. "I like camping and fishing and video games...." Then they put the pictures up in a heart gallery which is the showroom floor of the adoption industry.
CPI Corp., (OTCQX: CPIC), operator of Sears Portrait Studios and PictureMe Portrait Studios®, has partnered with the Dave Thomas Foundation to help foster children find adoptive families. CPI will donate a portrait session and CD packages for Dave Thomas Foundation affiliated adoption agencies to use when working to place these children with permanent families.
Note: Pretty them up for the camera, it's good for PR and marketing purposes. Then they add a profile similar to what you see on a dating site. "I like camping and fishing and video games...." Then they put the pictures up in a heart gallery which is the showroom floor of the adoption industry.
Couple Forced 6 Adopted Children To Perform Sex Acts For Food, Beat And Tortured Them
Couple Forced 6 Adopted Children To Perform Sex Acts For Food, Beat And Tortured Them
Lora Thomas, 47, and her husband Aubrey Thomas, 58, have been jailed after they allegedly beat, tortured and sexually abused their adoptive children.
Lora Thomas, 47, and her husband Aubrey Thomas, 58, have been jailed after they allegedly beat, tortured and sexually abused their adoptive children.
Confronting cultural genocide, Maine leads the nation
Confronting cultural genocide, Maine leads the nation
Recently, I asked a Wabanaki dad about his talented daughter’s education. He said, “Atuk might be admitted with a scholarship to a distant elite college.”
Recently, I asked a Wabanaki dad about his talented daughter’s education. He said, “Atuk might be admitted with a scholarship to a distant elite college.”
Enhancing institutional care
Enhancing institutional care
Concerned over the abuse and neglect of children living in child care institutes across the country, the Ministry of Women and Child Development has asked the States to conduct a survey of all such institutions, including orphanages at the district level to ensure that these are registered as mandated under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000. The States have been asked to submit their report to the Ministry within a month.
Concerned over the abuse and neglect of children living in child care institutes across the country, the Ministry of Women and Child Development has asked the States to conduct a survey of all such institutions, including orphanages at the district level to ensure that these are registered as mandated under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000. The States have been asked to submit their report to the Ministry within a month.
Contraception coverage: Foes set rallies today in Detroit, across U.S.
Conservative Christians are to rally today outside federal buildings in Detroit and cities across the U.S. in protest of the Obama administration's mandate on contraception in health care plans, calling it an attack on religious freedom.
Note: I'm sorry, but this goes to show you just how stupid and hypocritical the conservative base is. These idiots who are against contraception are the same people who will cry out against welfare, pointing fingers at young mothers with 5 kids shouting "If you can't feed em, don't breed em!"
Conservative Christians are to rally today outside federal buildings in Detroit and cities across the U.S. in protest of the Obama administration's mandate on contraception in health care plans, calling it an attack on religious freedom.
Note: I'm sorry, but this goes to show you just how stupid and hypocritical the conservative base is. These idiots who are against contraception are the same people who will cry out against welfare, pointing fingers at young mothers with 5 kids shouting "If you can't feed em, don't breed em!"
Play therapy helps children in care cope with losing their biological family
Play therapy helps children in care cope with losing their biological family
Note: So do psychotropic drugs.
Children permanently removed from their biological families due to abuse or neglect are often overwhelmed with intense feelings of grief and loss, rejection and anger.
Note: So do psychotropic drugs.
Children permanently removed from their biological families due to abuse or neglect are often overwhelmed with intense feelings of grief and loss, rejection and anger.
Columbus Senator Paul Schumacher recently discussed the state’s experiment with child welfare.
Columbus Senator Paul Schumacher recently discussed the state’s experiment with child welfare.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Norway no longer willing to place kids with uncle
Norway no longer willing to place kids with uncle
Norwegian social workers, who sparked a diplomatic row by removing two Indian children from their parents, said they were calling off a deal to place the kids with their uncle in India due to a spat inside the family.
Norwegian social workers, who sparked a diplomatic row by removing two Indian children from their parents, said they were calling off a deal to place the kids with their uncle in India due to a spat inside the family.
Texas' thin pink -- or baby blue -- line between abused kids and their abusers
Texas' thin pink -- or baby blue -- line between abused kids and their abusers
Low caseworker pay and high turnover were among the topics Wednesday as Texas senators argued some age-old questions about how to fix Child Protective Services.
Low caseworker pay and high turnover were among the topics Wednesday as Texas senators argued some age-old questions about how to fix Child Protective Services.
Judge rules against DCS, orders release of call records in Sturgis case
Judge rules against DCS, orders release of call records in Sturgis case
A local judge ordered the release of phone records from the Department of Child Services’ child abuse hotline related to Tramelle Sturgis and his family — ending weeks of legal efforts by DCS to keep them out of the public realm.
A local judge ordered the release of phone records from the Department of Child Services’ child abuse hotline related to Tramelle Sturgis and his family — ending weeks of legal efforts by DCS to keep them out of the public realm.
Who says there's no money in Child Welfare?
Federal funds help Elgin groups fight child abuse, neglect
Federal money is helping four Elgin organizations expand home visiting programs and fight child abuse and neglect, but officials worry the money is in danger.
Federal money is helping four Elgin organizations expand home visiting programs and fight child abuse and neglect, but officials worry the money is in danger.
Hard times bump demand for pro bono legal work
Hard times bump demand for pro bono legal work
The continuing economic slump and stagnant unemployment rate have meant a multi-year uptick in the number of people needing help with foreclosure, bankruptcy and other legal issues. And usually the lack of income that created the crisis means there’s no money to pay an attorney to help find a solution.
The continuing economic slump and stagnant unemployment rate have meant a multi-year uptick in the number of people needing help with foreclosure, bankruptcy and other legal issues. And usually the lack of income that created the crisis means there’s no money to pay an attorney to help find a solution.
Ex-coach guilty of having sex with foster daughter
Ex-coach guilty of having sex with foster daughter
A Fresno man who admitted in a police-recorded telephone conversation that he was in love with his 13-year-old foster child was found guilty Wednesday of having sex with the girl several times inside his home two years ago.
A Fresno man who admitted in a police-recorded telephone conversation that he was in love with his 13-year-old foster child was found guilty Wednesday of having sex with the girl several times inside his home two years ago.
Fighting for their families
Fighting for their families
When sheriff’s officers came to arrest Daisy Bram and her husband, Jayme Walsh, the only thing Bram could think about was the welfare of her two sons, one a newborn, the other 15 months old. Audio recorded during the arrest, at the end of September 2011 and just weeks after the birth of her second child, reveals a mother in a state of panic.
When sheriff’s officers came to arrest Daisy Bram and her husband, Jayme Walsh, the only thing Bram could think about was the welfare of her two sons, one a newborn, the other 15 months old. Audio recorded during the arrest, at the end of September 2011 and just weeks after the birth of her second child, reveals a mother in a state of panic.
Conn. bill ensures sibling visits for DCF kids
Conn. bill ensures sibling visits for DCF kids
Note: they shouldn't be separating siblings.
Connecticut lawmakers are considering a bill requiring the state's child welfare commissioner to make sure siblings under the state's care, such as in foster homes, get to regularly visit one another.
Note: they shouldn't be separating siblings.
Connecticut lawmakers are considering a bill requiring the state's child welfare commissioner to make sure siblings under the state's care, such as in foster homes, get to regularly visit one another.
Norway 'not to release' India children in custody row
Norway 'not to release' India children in custody row
A child welfare agency in Norway has said it cannot hand over the two Indian children taken into foster care to their uncle because of reports of "conflicts" in the family.
A child welfare agency in Norway has said it cannot hand over the two Indian children taken into foster care to their uncle because of reports of "conflicts" in the family.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Drugging Our Children's Spirits
Dr. Sandy Gluckman of Parents, Take Charge talks to parents about what happens when we use drugs to medicate away our children's behavioral issues.
Canadian children in care do better with permanent families
Canadian children in care do better with permanent families
Close to 70,000 children are growing up in government care in Canada, shunted from temporary home to temporary home or group home to group home. About a third of these children could be adopted and secure a stable place to call home. But only about 2,000 children are adopted annually. Thousands “age out” of care before their 21st birthday, with no family to anchor their transition to adulthood.
Close to 70,000 children are growing up in government care in Canada, shunted from temporary home to temporary home or group home to group home. About a third of these children could be adopted and secure a stable place to call home. But only about 2,000 children are adopted annually. Thousands “age out” of care before their 21st birthday, with no family to anchor their transition to adulthood.
Carlisle woman sentenced in attack on case worker
Carlisle woman sentenced in attack on case worker
A Carlisle woman found guilty in January of assaulting a Cumberland County Child and Youth Services case worker was sentenced to 11 1/2 to 23 months in Cumberland County Prison on Tuesday.
A Carlisle woman found guilty in January of assaulting a Cumberland County Child and Youth Services case worker was sentenced to 11 1/2 to 23 months in Cumberland County Prison on Tuesday.
Fresno man guilty of having sex with foster daughter
Fresno man guilty of having sex with foster daughter
A Fresno man who admitted in a police-recorded telephone conversation that he was in love with his 13-year-old foster child was found guilty today of having sex with the girl several times inside his home two years ago.
A Fresno man who admitted in a police-recorded telephone conversation that he was in love with his 13-year-old foster child was found guilty today of having sex with the girl several times inside his home two years ago.
RI panel says foster kids need school stability
RI panel says foster kids need school stability
A Rhode Island task force says the state should do more to ensure foster children aren't moved from school to school.
A Rhode Island task force says the state should do more to ensure foster children aren't moved from school to school.
Man Fights For Daughters to Return Home
Man Fights For Daughters to Return Home
It was August of 2009 when William Gonzales' three daughters were taken from his home. He has been fighting to get them back ever since.
It was August of 2009 when William Gonzales' three daughters were taken from his home. He has been fighting to get them back ever since.
Many of the foster-system reforms have helped, but some have hurt
Many of the foster-system reforms have helped, but some have hurt
Dominic James should have been nearing his 12th birthday by now.
Dominic James should have been nearing his 12th birthday by now.
'Other' stolen generation could get apology
'Other' stolen generation could get apology
AFTER a Senate inquiry, Australia’s other stolen generation could receive an historic apology from the Commonwealth Government.
AFTER a Senate inquiry, Australia’s other stolen generation could receive an historic apology from the Commonwealth Government.
Woman Accidentally 'Friends' Husband's Other Wife
Woman Accidentally 'Friends' Husband's Other Wife
A Washington man recently landed in some hot water with his wife, when she discovered his other wife through the "People You May Know" feature on Facebook.
A Washington man recently landed in some hot water with his wife, when she discovered his other wife through the "People You May Know" feature on Facebook.
Dutch Catholic Church Accused Of Castrating At Least 10 Youths In The 1950s
Dutch Catholic Church Accused Of Castrating At Least 10 Youths In The 1950s
Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad dropped a huge bomb at the weekend, publishing details of a child reportedly castrated by Catholic Priests in the 1950s — and alleging that as many as 10 more children may be victims.
Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad dropped a huge bomb at the weekend, publishing details of a child reportedly castrated by Catholic Priests in the 1950s — and alleging that as many as 10 more children may be victims.
Russian moms protest Norway taking away their kids
Russian moms protest Norway taking away their kids
As confusion mounted over the future of two Indian children in the custody of Norwegian Child Welfare Service , protests were held in different Russian cities by women whose children were taken away from them in the Scandinavian country,
As confusion mounted over the future of two Indian children in the custody of Norwegian Child Welfare Service , protests were held in different Russian cities by women whose children were taken away from them in the Scandinavian country,
Minnesota’s child-protection system is inconsistent and underfunded
Minnesota’s child-protection system is inconsistent and underfunded
A resident becomes concerned when she learns that a convicted rapist has moved in next door – a household with a mother and four children. The neighbor contacts the county child-protection hot line, but authorities do not investigate, as the rapist had not been convicted of molesting children.
A resident becomes concerned when she learns that a convicted rapist has moved in next door – a household with a mother and four children. The neighbor contacts the county child-protection hot line, but authorities do not investigate, as the rapist had not been convicted of molesting children.
Signs of distress at DCS
Signs of distress at DCS
Dr. Antoinette Laskey poured her time and energy into helping protect Indiana's children from abuse and neglect for eight years. A professor at the Indiana University School of Medicine, Laskey is nationally recognized for her insights on how to prevent children's deaths and how to uncover important lessons from such incidents when they do occur.
Dr. Antoinette Laskey poured her time and energy into helping protect Indiana's children from abuse and neglect for eight years. A professor at the Indiana University School of Medicine, Laskey is nationally recognized for her insights on how to prevent children's deaths and how to uncover important lessons from such incidents when they do occur.
Audit: Phoenix police-unit cases on kids handled poorly
Audit: Phoenix police-unit cases on kids handled poorly
Poor case management and improperly conducted interviews are too common in a Phoenix Police Department unit that investigates crimes against children including abuse and sexual assault, an internal audit has found.
Investigators re-examined 969 cases assigned to the Family Investigations Bureau during a one-year period. It determined that:
The department’s case-management policies were not followed in more than 400 of the cases.
Poor case management and improperly conducted interviews are too common in a Phoenix Police Department unit that investigates crimes against children including abuse and sexual assault, an internal audit has found.
Investigators re-examined 969 cases assigned to the Family Investigations Bureau during a one-year period. It determined that:
The department’s case-management policies were not followed in more than 400 of the cases.
Officials say decline in child abuse tied to economy
Officials say decline in child abuse tied to economy
There's some good news to come from the latest child abuse numbers for Iowa. They show the number of cases of abuse are dropping.
There's some good news to come from the latest child abuse numbers for Iowa. They show the number of cases of abuse are dropping.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Better Economy Meant Less Child Abuse Last Year, Officials Say
Better Economy Meant Less Child Abuse Last Year, Officials Say
An improving economy may be to thank for a reduction in child abuse last year, according to the Department of Human Services.
An improving economy may be to thank for a reduction in child abuse last year, according to the Department of Human Services.
Oregon's $40 million child welfare computer upgrade has lots of glitches, some serious
Oregon's $40 million child welfare computer upgrade has lots of glitches, some serious
Oregon child welfare managers have not had access to statewide performance data showing how quickly local offices are responding to abuse reports and other information. Foster parents have waited for payments. And caseworkers say they are spending time putting information into a computer that should be spent with families.
Oregon child welfare managers have not had access to statewide performance data showing how quickly local offices are responding to abuse reports and other information. Foster parents have waited for payments. And caseworkers say they are spending time putting information into a computer that should be spent with families.
Judge issues ruling
The judge in the Jerry Sandusky case is making things even more difficult on the victims.
Family practitioners targeted by protests
Family practitioners targeted by protests
Family lawyers are creating added conflict between former spouses in order to cash in on cases languishing in the province’s court system, says an activist group that launched protests against a practitioner in Sarnia, Ont., last month.
Note: They pull the same crap in child welfare too.
Family lawyers are creating added conflict between former spouses in order to cash in on cases languishing in the province’s court system, says an activist group that launched protests against a practitioner in Sarnia, Ont., last month.
Note: They pull the same crap in child welfare too.
Supreme Court to review juvenile injustice
Supreme Court to review juvenile injustice
Tomorrow morning, the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in two cases, Jackson v. Hobbs and Miller v. Alabama, challenging the controversial practice of sentencing juvenile offenders to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Hopefully, the Court will resist the common visceral response to youth violence and consider the scientific evidence that, as compared with adults, adolescents are less equipped to contemplate the consequences of their crimes, are more susceptible to pressure from peers to engage in behaviors they would not ordinarily commit on their own, and may, therefore, someday earn a second chance.
Tomorrow morning, the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in two cases, Jackson v. Hobbs and Miller v. Alabama, challenging the controversial practice of sentencing juvenile offenders to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Hopefully, the Court will resist the common visceral response to youth violence and consider the scientific evidence that, as compared with adults, adolescents are less equipped to contemplate the consequences of their crimes, are more susceptible to pressure from peers to engage in behaviors they would not ordinarily commit on their own, and may, therefore, someday earn a second chance.
State Bar Association Family Court Task Force to Hold Hearing March 22 on Long Island
State Bar Association Family Court Task Force to Hold Hearing March 22 on Long Island
A State Bar Association task force studying New York's Family Court system, placing particular emphasis on its impact on children and families, will convene the third of four statewide hearings on Thursday, March 22, on Long Island.
A State Bar Association task force studying New York's Family Court system, placing particular emphasis on its impact on children and families, will convene the third of four statewide hearings on Thursday, March 22, on Long Island.
CASA De-Funded
CASA De-Funded
For 10 years National CASA received $12 million in funding for the CASA program through the Victims of Child Abuse Act. We have used these vital funds to provide advocacy, training and technical assistance in support of almost 1,000 CASA programs around the country serving 240,000 neglected and abused children each year.
Last year Congress reduced the funding for CASA programs to $4.5 million. And now, the Administration has proposed eliminating all funding for this vital program in FY 2013.
Note: I must argue that CASA Puppets are a complete waste of money, time and space. I must argue that in my experience, CASA Puppets are stooges for the agency. Although I'm sure there are a few good ones out there, overall this is more of a scam that makes Child Welfare look fair.
For 10 years National CASA received $12 million in funding for the CASA program through the Victims of Child Abuse Act. We have used these vital funds to provide advocacy, training and technical assistance in support of almost 1,000 CASA programs around the country serving 240,000 neglected and abused children each year.
Last year Congress reduced the funding for CASA programs to $4.5 million. And now, the Administration has proposed eliminating all funding for this vital program in FY 2013.
Note: I must argue that CASA Puppets are a complete waste of money, time and space. I must argue that in my experience, CASA Puppets are stooges for the agency. Although I'm sure there are a few good ones out there, overall this is more of a scam that makes Child Welfare look fair.
Vatican reports on Irish child abuse scandals
Vatican reports on Irish child abuse scandals
The Vatican has expressed its "dismay and betrayal" at the "sinful and criminal acts" by Catholic clergy guilty of child abuse across Ireland.
The Vatican has expressed its "dismay and betrayal" at the "sinful and criminal acts" by Catholic clergy guilty of child abuse across Ireland.
Former Cortland County D-S-S Employee Pleads Guilty to Unauthorized Use of a Computer
Former Cortland County D-S-S Employee Pleads Guilty to Unauthorized Use of a Computer
A former Cortland County Department of Social Services employee who was arrested in January of 2011 for hacking into the County social services database to use personal information illegally has plead guilty in Cortland County Court.
A former Cortland County Department of Social Services employee who was arrested in January of 2011 for hacking into the County social services database to use personal information illegally has plead guilty in Cortland County Court.
Lores sue Rowan County officials
Lores sue Rowan County officials
A Rowan County couple acquitted of child abuse charges in a high profile case last year are suing several county departments and employees.
A Rowan County couple acquitted of child abuse charges in a high profile case last year are suing several county departments and employees.
COMMENTARY — Deportation shouldn’t mean losing kids, too
COMMENTARY — Deportation shouldn’t mean losing kids, too
Wasteful, senseless and cruel. How better to describe the ridiculous battle that Felipe Montes is waging to be reunited with his three U.S.-born children? Since his deportation, they’ve been ensnared by the foster care system and are at risk of being put up for adoption.
Wasteful, senseless and cruel. How better to describe the ridiculous battle that Felipe Montes is waging to be reunited with his three U.S.-born children? Since his deportation, they’ve been ensnared by the foster care system and are at risk of being put up for adoption.
Viral Video Incites Rage at TSA
A 3-year-old in a wheelchair got a major security search at Midway Airport. Video of the search, posted on YouTube by the child’s father Matt Dubiel, has now gone viral - with a lot of people railing on the TSA.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Michigan DHS Trying to Force Parents to Give Child Meds
Michigan DHS Trying to Force Parents to Give Child Meds
In a prime example of what seems to be a pervasive endeavor across the nation to usurp parental rights, Michigan state officials have told a couple that the state has the power to prosecute them if they refuse to administer certain medications to their child.
In a prime example of what seems to be a pervasive endeavor across the nation to usurp parental rights, Michigan state officials have told a couple that the state has the power to prosecute them if they refuse to administer certain medications to their child.
Norris worried about new abuse reporting system
Norris worried about new abuse reporting system
A new, central, statewide, 800 number for elder and child abuse reporting may not be all Michigan’s Department of Human Services (DHS) promises.
A new, central, statewide, 800 number for elder and child abuse reporting may not be all Michigan’s Department of Human Services (DHS) promises.
TSA Searches Wheelchair-Bound Three-Year Old
A three-year-old child in a wheelchair was subjected to a thorough examination by a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, according to a video shot by the boy's father.
Norway child custody row: parents’ fight comes out into the open
Norway child custody row: parents’ fight comes out into the open
Given the rapidly unravelling sequence of events within the family in question, Indian diplomats who have left New Delhi for Oslo to resolve the ongoing custody crisis involving Abhigyan (3) and Aishwarya (1), taken into care by the Child Welfare Service (CWS) in May 2011, may have a tough time getting the compromise agreement between India and Norway work, it became clear on Monday. Battle-lines between the children's young parents, Anurup and Sagarika Bhattacharya, were hardening over the weekend. The father has now virtually given a clean chit to the CWS and put the blame on his wife for what had been going on.
Given the rapidly unravelling sequence of events within the family in question, Indian diplomats who have left New Delhi for Oslo to resolve the ongoing custody crisis involving Abhigyan (3) and Aishwarya (1), taken into care by the Child Welfare Service (CWS) in May 2011, may have a tough time getting the compromise agreement between India and Norway work, it became clear on Monday. Battle-lines between the children's young parents, Anurup and Sagarika Bhattacharya, were hardening over the weekend. The father has now virtually given a clean chit to the CWS and put the blame on his wife for what had been going on.
Study: Maine gets 'F' in Government Transparency
Study: Maine gets 'F' in Government Transparency
A nationwide study finds state governments lack transparency and accountability to citizens, and remain at high risk for corruption.
Note: How did Maine get such a high grade? Everything is done in secret.
A nationwide study finds state governments lack transparency and accountability to citizens, and remain at high risk for corruption.
Note: How did Maine get such a high grade? Everything is done in secret.
Press Release: The Daughter Of A New York CPS Agent Picks A Fight With A CPS Victim On One Of My Facebook Status Updates
How stupid can you be? I mean really...
Kayleigh Patrice Hodgson who is apparently the daughter of CPS Caseworker Kristen Schad From Courtland County Child Services in New York, has of her own free will, picked a fight with and left some very harassing comments towards one of her mothers clients on one of my Facebook Status Updates.
This is a first.
Now normally, I would refrain from naming CPS Agents who haven't been exposed by the media, but there is just something that stinks about this situation, especially since the CPS Victim apparently has had some involvement with family members of the CPS Agent, which seems like an ethical violation in my book, and the fact that this CPS Agents daughter came onto my Facebook Wall making some very nasty comments against the client on what is clearly an open forum, I figured the whole world should know.
Here is the screen shot of the first comment. I have blacked out the name of the the CPS Victim.

She goes on to issue a warning...

which really makes no sense considering the fact that it's usually CPS who "fucks" with families.
And to Courtland County CPS, please be known that in light of such circumstances, this mother enjoys the full support of Legally Kidnapped and the entire Family Rights Community. Such public harassment of your victims should not be tolerated, especially on the Facebook Walls of popular bloggers.
Kayleigh Patrice Hodgson who is apparently the daughter of CPS Caseworker Kristen Schad From Courtland County Child Services in New York, has of her own free will, picked a fight with and left some very harassing comments towards one of her mothers clients on one of my Facebook Status Updates.
This is a first.
Now normally, I would refrain from naming CPS Agents who haven't been exposed by the media, but there is just something that stinks about this situation, especially since the CPS Victim apparently has had some involvement with family members of the CPS Agent, which seems like an ethical violation in my book, and the fact that this CPS Agents daughter came onto my Facebook Wall making some very nasty comments against the client on what is clearly an open forum, I figured the whole world should know.
Here is the screen shot of the first comment. I have blacked out the name of the the CPS Victim.

She goes on to issue a warning...

which really makes no sense considering the fact that it's usually CPS who "fucks" with families.
And to Courtland County CPS, please be known that in light of such circumstances, this mother enjoys the full support of Legally Kidnapped and the entire Family Rights Community. Such public harassment of your victims should not be tolerated, especially on the Facebook Walls of popular bloggers.
DCF Trying to Improve Child Welfare System
DCF Trying to Improve Child Welfare System
Note: They always are.
The Florida Department of Children and Families had a pretty good legislative session, at least compared to other state agencies.
Note: They always are.
The Florida Department of Children and Families had a pretty good legislative session, at least compared to other state agencies.
Sexual predators rarely committed under Justice program
Sexual predators rarely committed under Justice program
Inside the sprawling federal prison here is a place the government reserves for the worst of the worst — sexual predators too dangerous to be set free.
Inside the sprawling federal prison here is a place the government reserves for the worst of the worst — sexual predators too dangerous to be set free.
Grieving dad just wants answers
Grieving dad just wants answers
LITTLE Luke has been dead longer than he was alive - but his father Michael is still trying to find out how and why he died.
LITTLE Luke has been dead longer than he was alive - but his father Michael is still trying to find out how and why he died.
Deportation madness
Deportation madness
Wasteful, senseless and cruel. How better to describe the ridiculous battle that Felipe Montes is waging to be reunited with his three U.S.-born children? Since his deportation, they’ve been ensnared by the foster care system and are at risk of being put up for adoption.
Wasteful, senseless and cruel. How better to describe the ridiculous battle that Felipe Montes is waging to be reunited with his three U.S.-born children? Since his deportation, they’ve been ensnared by the foster care system and are at risk of being put up for adoption.
Advocates push for foster children to be appointed lawyers to get them out of system faster
Advocates push for foster children to be appointed lawyers to get them out of system faster
When Lauren entered foster care at age 16, she was too scared to go to the court hearings that were deciding her future. She was wary of the judge and struggled to navigate the complex legal system of dependency court on top of adjusting to life in a group home.
When Lauren entered foster care at age 16, she was too scared to go to the court hearings that were deciding her future. She was wary of the judge and struggled to navigate the complex legal system of dependency court on top of adjusting to life in a group home.
Death of Dominic James led to changes in foster-care system
Death of Dominic James led to changes in foster-care system
Sidney James hides what haunts him.
His broad smile and vibrant personality draw people to him easily and comfortably. But beneath the surface is a lingering bitterness.
Sidney James hides what haunts him.
His broad smile and vibrant personality draw people to him easily and comfortably. But beneath the surface is a lingering bitterness.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
The Tribune subsequently received 21 pages of reports showing previous DCS involvement with the family, specifically the department’s determination that the Sturgis children were "well-cared for" — six months before Tramelle was found beaten to death in the family’s home at 1130 W. Washington St.
The Tribune subsequently received 21 pages of reports showing previous DCS involvement with the family, specifically the department’s determination that the Sturgis children were "well-cared for" — six months before Tramelle was found beaten to death in the family’s home at 1130 W. Washington St.
B.C. woman takes lead in 'baby genocide' lawsuit
B.C. woman takes lead in 'baby genocide' lawsuit
A B.C. woman is the lead plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit seeking damages from the B.C. government on behalf of a group of women whose babies were allegedly taken from them at birth and put up for adoption.
A B.C. woman is the lead plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit seeking damages from the B.C. government on behalf of a group of women whose babies were allegedly taken from them at birth and put up for adoption.
Dear Abby: Social worker looks for best way to use her psychic gifts
Dear Abby: Social worker looks for best way to use her psychic gifts
Dear Abby: I will graduate from college in June and be a social worker. I am psychic, although I dislike that word because it conjures up visions of crystal balls, quacks and scams. For legitimate psychic individuals, it can be overwhelming to live this way.
Note: Oh my God! A Psychic Social Worker asks if she has a psychic premonition, that a kid had been abused, does she have to report it? Kind of gives a literal meaning to the "crystal ball method of child abuse assessment." Huh.
And I thought I had heard it all.
Dear Abby: I will graduate from college in June and be a social worker. I am psychic, although I dislike that word because it conjures up visions of crystal balls, quacks and scams. For legitimate psychic individuals, it can be overwhelming to live this way.
Note: Oh my God! A Psychic Social Worker asks if she has a psychic premonition, that a kid had been abused, does she have to report it? Kind of gives a literal meaning to the "crystal ball method of child abuse assessment." Huh.
And I thought I had heard it all.
Indiana child advocate resigns, cites conflicts with DCS, administration
Indiana child advocate resigns, cites conflicts with DCS, administration
The head of the Indiana Child Fatality Review Team has resigned, saying a lack of support from the administration and conflicts with the director of the Department of Child Services leave her unable “to effectively improve the conditions of Hoosier children.”
The head of the Indiana Child Fatality Review Team has resigned, saying a lack of support from the administration and conflicts with the director of the Department of Child Services leave her unable “to effectively improve the conditions of Hoosier children.”
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Dubious 'experts' are paid to tear families apart
Dubious 'experts' are paid to tear families apart
A new report condemns the shoddy standards of psychologists' reports in our family courts.
A new report condemns the shoddy standards of psychologists' reports in our family courts.
Chatham Rally-Raising awareness of the corruption in the Children's Aid Society.
no matter how hard they try, they cant stop us now
An email I received - Nancy Schaefer
I've got a proposition: How about every year we make sure that "March is Nancy Schaefer Month!" Please spread Nancy's message to all of your families, friends, groups and acquaintances in honor of this wonderful, Pro-Child, Pro-Family and anti-CPS corruption lady! Let's make sure that nobody can forget her or her message! Thank you.----Hope March 29, 2010. From the Associated Press: State investigators say the husband of former state Senator Nancy Schaefer shot his wife before ... |
Feb 29, 2008 ... Note from the Fight CPS webmaster: This is a very important report written by a Senator in Georgia. Please read the entire report, download the ... |
Nancy Schaefer who Exposed the Child Protection Services (CPS) found Shot Dead with Her Husband 2010 03 30. Picked up from: ... |
the Adoption and Safe Families Act. It offers financial incentives to the states that increase adoption numbers. To receive the adoption incentives, or bonuses, ... |
Mar 30, 2010 ... Authorities believe Nancy Schaefer was asleep when she was shot. The media claims that this was a Murder-Suicide pact. Senator Schaefer ... |
Apr 2, 2010 ... The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is reporting that former Georgia Senator Nancy Schaeferand her husband Bruce Schaefer were found ... |
Mar 29, 2010 ... From the Associated Press : State investigators say the husband of former state SenatorNancy Schaefer shot his wife before turning the gun on ... |
Mar 13, 2009 ... By Sandra Ami Nancy Schaefer is trying to bring to the attention the corruption of Social Services, Child Protective Services. She discusses how ... |
Jun 7, 2011 ... |
Sponsored Results
Garland Favorito March 30, 2010. On Friday, former Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband were found dead in their home in Habersham ... |
Mar 26, 2010 ... Former GA Senator Nancy Schaefer found dead! HABERSHAM COUNTY, Ga. ( MyFOX ATLANTA) - The bodies of former state senator Nancy ... |
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