Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

NY Model v. Brazilian Anchor in Child Custody Battle

NY Model v. Brazilian Anchor in Child Custody Battle

A dashing Brazilian anchorman is embroiled in a nasty custody battle with his model ex-wife. She says he planned to kidnap their daughter and take her to Haiti (without even getting her vaccinated!). He says the charges are "absolute nonsense" since their daughter already lives with him 300 days of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this Article. I believe my son was kidnapped legally by his mother. Fathers’ right to be a meaningful part of their childrens’ lives, have been eroded to the point of non-existence. My research suggests that this is a phenomenon consistent throughout the industrialized nations. Children who are alienated from their fathers are more likely later in life to have emotional/behavioral problems, suffer from depression, drop out of school, fail in their jobs, and suffer from other social problems. I invite you to visit my site devoted to raising awareness on this growing problem:


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