Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Advanced SystemSuckOlogy: Should I Call Child Protective Services?

Imagine yourself being a child being ripped from your mothers arms, taken away from all you know and love, made to go live with strangers, not knowing when you are going to see your mother again, and all becasue some idiot made a phone call.

For the sheep, this is a question that comes up often.

"Well so and so did this, should I call child protective services?"

And of course the System Sucks will tell you, "well even if you think it's something little, you should call and let the professionals decide." In which case you're liable to knock over that first domino in a chain of events that could ultimately destroy a family, or at least bring about some serious legal and financial problems. But many of you, especially those who are ignorant of the issues or who are on an imperialistic morality trip don't realize that, now do you?

You actually believe that you're helping the child. You believe that other parents are inadequate, because you were raised to what you believe is a higher standard.

You don't realize that you could bring about a lot of serious problems for a family that may not be entirely necessary. And for what? A shot at feeling morally superior? The belief that you are helping? Perhaps you think the parent deserves such and such because of whatever reason when in all actuality, YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE.

See, what the sheep don't realize is that the PRESENTATION of the issue regarding child abuse and neglect and the governments solution to the problem, like that which they see on television, MAY NOT BE ENTIRELY ACCURATE. People believe what they see and since the corporate takeover of 95% of the information sources out there have since brought about control of the flow of information, the System Sucks have been able to paint a picture of a kind and caring system in place to help the poor, innocent victims of abuse and neglect.

It's all bullshit really. But it works for them.

In modern times, you see, since the introduction of the television, people are shown a controlled presentation of that which they see, thus creating a form of a universal but misrepresented reality. This is nothing new. They've known about this little phenomenon of human gullibility since 600 BC, so it is safe to say that there is a universal lack of understanding on the part of the sheep in regards to the harm they could cause by thinking that they're doing the right thing, especially when the child protective industry is portrayed as the saintly child saviors in a world of horrible, parents.

So, if you had the ability to put 2 and 2 together, you would see that the System Sucks are able to create a somewhat universal understanding on the issue of CPS, Child Abuse and all that goes along with it, simply by presenting it in a certain way on television and in the newspapers.

So just how is the issue of the Child Protective Industry usually presented? Lets see, we have Angels in Adoption Awards, we have foster parent of the year awards. We have parents being presented as monsters. And we have the same people making all kinds of money by providing services to the kids thanks to the government funding and incentives, except they don't like to talk about that.

The people, who really have little reason to believe otherwise, simply fall for a joke. They think that they're doing the right thing, so they make the call. Therefore the Child Protective Industry thrives off of universal gullibility, because the people are taught by the mighty teacher that they should report everything, because, "Oh my God, it's only a child," and after all, they just want to help children, right?

So what do you do? You hear yelling coming from the apartment down the hall, you hear a baby cry, the mother is clearly frustrated. Does she need the help of Child Protective Services?

Probably not. But you, in your self-righteous glory feel personally justified in doing so regardless of your lack of knowledge into the issue of what's actually going on or your lack of understanding of family dynamics or the problems that you can cause for families and children.

This is a delima that I'm sure you've all been faced with at some point in your lives. The decision as to whether or not to call Child Protective Services on some poor, unsuspecting parent. People give you advice because of the way that you interpret and present the events to them, and by the time they get their information it's been passed on down the line.

It's simply a battle of personal morals vs. your personal responsibility to withhold judgment in absence of fact based on little or no understanding of what's going on except for what you see or hear during a momentary crossing of paths.

So in most cases I would suggest that 'minding your own business' would probably be the best thing to do. It's just too bad that most people don't have the understanding of the very real harm that they could cause by sticking their nose into where it doesn't belong.

Peace love and flowers...

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