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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Report slams Wash. adoption system

Report slams Wash. adoption system

The system in place to oversee Washington state's adoption system lacks sufficient safeguards to protect children from potentially abusive homes, according to a report due out Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Seems interesting to me that abuse by fosters comes in the forms of much more horrific means than the statistically lower, typically accidental deaths by natural parents.

    Cases like “13-year-old Hana Williams, who froze to death last fall just yards from her adopted [parents] .. as a form of punishment” implicates that bonding attachment of natural parents for their offspring is key to safer discipline styles.

    At last oversight committees, ombudsman, and the media are using terms forced adoption victims have used for decades, by identifying prospective parents as “SHOPPING” for their “trophies” (I added this second term).

    And the list of recommendations?

    Allowing the rulemakers to make new rules for themselves has not worked in history yet. Why are we relying on them now?

    At our children's expense?

    End the corruption. Tax payers need to quit funding government foster/adoption quotas.


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