Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why fathering 82 children is a moral crime

Why fathering 82 children is a moral crime

It is difficult not to feel a deep sense of moral repugnance when reading the story of Ed Houben, a Dutch 42-year-old who sleeps with 15 childless women a month and who has fathered 82 children. Mr Houben donates sperm by having sex with his clients for free. He tells how he ‘helps’ lesbian and ‘heterosexual women whose husbands have agreed to the arrangement. Sometimes they would watch while it happened, or they would go for a walk or watch TV’. Currently, another 10 women are pregnant with his children.


  1. Katherine Cherry10:03 AM

    Sex outside of the initial bonding between two ppl who love each other, sets dynamics into play that will forever hamper their bond.

    Children want to know where they come from. How much pride is in this child's geneology?

    Saw Palmetto and Red Raspberry Leaf for the female.
    Saw Palmetto and Ginsing for the male.
    = pregnancy
    Several friends say they owe their children to my recommendation who called me from their failed fertility clinics.

  2. Katherine Cherry10:31 AM

    It is no wonder that the out-of-control desire to raise children, even someone else's children [which fuels the foster/adoption markets] is denegrating social moral fiber to this degree.
    Very sad.


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