Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Thursday, March 08, 2012

DCFS director: High caseload problem 'out of hand'

DCFS director: High caseload problem 'out of hand'

The caseloads of state child-welfare investigators have "gotten out of hand," climbing so high in many cases that they no longer comply with federal requirements, an official said Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Are you the victim of CPS in or around Las Vegas, Have you had your children taken out of your home when neglect and abuse never occurred. Have you called CPS because of a child was being abused, but CPS did nothing because they would be difficult to place. Has CPS lied and turned everything that you said. I want to hear your story. Your voice alone will not stop the abuse of CPS, but if banded together we can stop it.
    Please write to L.M. Knight PO box 125 Portersville PA 16051.
    Or e-mail
    Please do not put any identifying information in the body of the letter unless you do not care if it is made public. Please provide your contact information at the bottom of the letter or e-mail. All contact information will be omitted from printed letters. Any inappropriate or threatening letters will be deleted or thrown away.


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