Let it be known that Legally Kidnapped is not affiliated with this person or this group in any way. This is simply a desperate attempt by a troll to benefit off the keywords and trash the good name and reputation of Legally Kidnapped. Legally Kidnapped is not in any way affiliated with Mr Anderson's (S.T.O.L.E.N.) groups or shows. Nor will I be until Mr Anderson grows the fuck up or gets the help he needs. Perhaps some of you could recommend a good therapist in his area? If so please feel free to do so in the comments section.
Also let it be known that I will not be going to war with any groups on Facebook at Mr Anderson's command. Legally Kidnapped will not be used in his war against fathers or family rights groups, advocates or activists or whatever they claim to be. Legally Kidnapped will simply continue to do what it has always done by exposing the child protective industry for what it is.
It is a fact that while Mr Anderson wastes all of his time exposing groups and individuals to all 6 of his followers, by falsely accusing people of associating with anybody who he determines to be criminals, making false accusations and sick and disgusting video's on YouTube; Child Protective Services continues to steal and sell your children. It is entirely to the benefit of the child protective industry that you associate with such psycho's and engage in such petty squabbles, because it keeps you distracted while CPS continues to run it's little scam and you accomplish nothing productive while making yourself look like an ass and proving that CPS was right about you all the way.
If you are looking for help with your case or if you are looking for fight for change, then there are much better groups that you could associate with. For example:
as well as many others where there are good people who not only want to help, but are fighting for change, organizing protests, discussing the very real issues and proposing and implementing solutions to the problems, and exposure to the fraud.
Groups that are used as home base for trolls, or catalysts for flame wars against groups, advocates or activists will not help you to get your kids back, they will not get laws changed, in fact they won't even get the time of day from anybody who matters in the least. As a general rule of thumb, you will find yourself in much better hands when you come across a group that is discussing and fighting against the real enemy which is Child Protective Services, the foster care and adoption industries, family courts and all of their associates and cronies opposed to fighting against and trashing the names of each other.
So please engage in petty and asinine behavior at your own risk.
This has been a public service announcement from LK.
Well, if he were doing a better job I'd remind you that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.