Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Thursday, September 15, 2011

DCF employee Nancy Dreicer quits

DCF employee Nancy Dreicer quits


  1. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Due 2 patronage @ Aromas , Wendy Ellis of DCF accused me of illegal practices & participation with Mr. & Mrs. Dreicer resulting in the loss of my marital home & child. After an expensive legal battle, multitudes of random drug test later I was awarded the return of my child . I pray Ms. Ellis doesn't listen to poor sources while she Writes up a report that I was a narcotic trafficker for the Dreicer's. Ms. Ellis didn't read the
    complaint thoroughly . So to whom do I hold legally responsible for my out of pocket cost, mental pain,
    suffering & Anguish? To whom does my child hold
    accountable for being severely mis-treated, displaced, &
    treated like a criminal? DCF, Ms. Ellis? Or SJCSO
    who were made aware that false claims & statements
    were made about my supposed participation with
    Aromas & Mr. & Mrs. Dreicer resulting in a horrid legal
    battle & indescribable mental & physical pain & suffering ! Any suggestions?

  2. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Mercurial would be the best word to describe my horrid ordeal involving Wendy Ellis, my occasional patronage to Aromas & the false claims made by an ex husband to whom is currently 80,000.00 plus dollars in arrears in his past due child support. I have yet to be provided with any explanation why Wendy Ellis wrote up a report with invalid allegations of drug trafficking for the "Dreicer's". I have yet to recieve an explanation as to how Ms. Ellis could make false, slanderous & inflammatory remarks regarding my character without looking up my ex husbands record that would reflect a battery incident in front of my minor children resulting in his arrest, his multiple evictions for non payment of rent & the endless counts of grand theft auto, & many more! I was held to the highest standard of random drug screenings always resulting in negative results, endless hours spent at court, KidsBridge, psychoanalysis resulting in the return of my precious child to whom has graduated from UNF with a bachelors degree completed in two years. I suppose Ms. Elliis was far too busy playing footsies with my ex husband & not concentrating on the cold hard facts. Once I was forced to exit my marital home with the step Father of my children I secured a property in two weeks , had the untimely death of my Father & against all odds was triumphant in the return of my child. I'm still certain accountability certainly rest with DCF, Ms. Ellis, & Ms. Ellis's superiors. I will pray for those participatory in a foolish , tormenting event that has forced me to turn my scars into stars less the extreme legal fees, alienation from my child, etc. Ms. Ellis I pray God blesses you all the days of your life as I do for all parties involved for God is the ultimate Judge & Jury. A Ponte Vedra woman can beat her daughter off the toilette, be arrested for doing so with a minor child in the home in addition to the of age daughter to whom called the police & placed her Mother behind bars, rightfully so & not lose custody of the minor child. This same Ponte Vedra woman has had three DUI's from 98 to 07 & didn't lose custody of her two children. Where was DCF when these events transpired?

  3. Anonymous1:53 PM

    BTW Ms. Wendy Ellis, I have u giving me legal advice. That was not your job to tell me you knew I certainly wasn't one to qualify for public assistance. Ms. Ellis you went as far as to question my urinalysis & went to testing my hair & then questioned if my hair sample would qualify due to supposed chemical exposure. So then a blood sample was requested by you. Ms. Ellis you should have taken into account when you threatened me with criminal charges you should have been looking at the non/custodial parent- the child he has reared to whom has a pending criminal drug charge. Perhaps the Non-Custodial Father should be looked at now - he has a 3 month young daughter yet he is still in the arrears re: child support & is causing conflict & neglect in his own household .


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