Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Friday, December 07, 2012

One week until termination of parental rights trial

I've been following this blog since the beginning, which has been for quite a while.   In this post, she spells out many of the difficulties that she has had with the system.  Check it out.

One week until termination of parental rights trial

Becoming a foster parent is kind of like inviting a vampire into your house, especially for somebody with any reasonable level of intelligence.  In the end, they'll suck the life right out of you.  It's usually the gullible ones who believe and accept everything that the nice social workers tell them who do well in this business.  Then again, they say it takes a special kind of person to be a foster parent.  That certainly isn't normal.

1 comment:

  1. To answer your question, I do believe that CD's mother (and father) have been given more than a fair shot. Our judge loathes TPRs and won't go forward until every avenue has been exhausted. Even now, almost a year since her birth mother announced that she did not want CD and wanted us to adopt her the system has been looking to find, contacting all known associates and has been since she disappeared. I am writing up an assessment right now where I am advocating for the child's biological mother, saying that she has no mental illness and her instability of housing and employment are the only things I see that kept her from doing certain things that resulted in her child's removal.
    Again, not only do I believe my daughter's birth mother has been given a fair shake and walked away leaving her child in legal limbo for well over two years already but I feel that the system has failed to protect CD and left her a ward of the state for way too long. Every case is different. I am introduced to a new one almost every week.
    As much reform as I know the system needs, I also know that without it children would continue to be in danger. CD was already on her way to losing her hearing and living in a place where no child should ever enter. She needed to be taken and never has her mother shown interest in improving her circumstances or even in seeing CD at all. I did not want CDs mother out of her life even if she can't raise her but she has made a choice to disappear. CD deserves a stable family and people that would never abandon her. All children do.
    I know that you like to believe that only the system and people like me are the enemy but I know it to be a mixed bag.
    You misunderstand and misrepresent me in your post. I have 3 children, I work hard for a living treating traumatized children and adults and have some medical things going on. I believe that the world needs foster parents and I believe not only have I done a good job but I am very lucky to have CD in my life forever now. I would not undo it and if I could turn back time I would do it again.


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