Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Parental Alienation Syndrome

Parental Alienation Syndrome

Parental Alienation Syndrome is real. It devastates and destroys. And more and more children, grown-up children, and targeted parents are coming forward to speak about their pain.


  1. Jeannie aka Kaneva Rose6:36 PM

    I am a victim of this, They started out with giving me 1 hour weekend at first back in January, then in March I got 16 hours a month; 4 hours every weekend, and then in July they went down to 5 hours every other weekend, and then down to nothing, for 2 straight months no communication,no asking of her, nothing, and now im told I have to pay to see her only 8 hours a month thats all, not even a day, and 2 phone calls a week, I fought for most of my rights, but at least I still have them, but I first felt weak defenseless, helpless, faithless, I am now building more communication and strength and over all, POWER, Taking my power back and getting every squeezed bit I can to keep her knowing mommy loves her and mommy is not leaving her, an mommy most importantly is NOT giving up.... I will help those who need the inspiration and devote myself and my encouragement and support to be heard, and felt, and over all heal a broken parent's heart, that is trying to mend, because Children need 2 parents not just one.... <3

  2. Darlene8:17 PM

    My husband did this to me & my children!I ran out of money to keep taking him to court!

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Parental alienation is terrible stuff. So is: Divorce Related Malicious Mother Syndrome by Dr Dr. Ira Turkat also referred to as Divorce Related Malicious Parent Syndrome


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