Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Calgary foster parent charged with sexually abusing boys in his care

Calgary foster parent charged with sexually abusing boys in his care

Calgary Police say foster children across Canada are being questioned after a foster father was charged with sex offences involving three boys in his care.

Foster dad facing sex charges


  1. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Foster care is like a playground for perverts like this. The children come "damaged" and "angry." Plus, no one believes them, especially their social workers, if they claim the foster care providers are abusing them. They call them liars and tell them they're just trying to cause problems. It's not just an American problem. It's bad everywhere and the states keep right on giving these assholes more and more children to abuse. I'm really tired of all these people hurting our children.

  2. Anonymous10:45 AM

    That balances and checks are in place is nothing short of bull-shit. I know this because I have provided foster-care in Alberta. Children were placed into my home BEFORE any check was done. A social worker came into the house days later and sat down with a list of items to check off. The social worker didn't even step into another room to verify the information. The entire system is disgusting and certainly does pave the way to support abusive environments.

  3. Anonymous3:37 PM

    The entire CPS pyramid is corrupt and abusive towards children and their biological parents. Social workers aren't concerned at all with abuse of children who are IN the foster care system. They target the poor and under-educated as well as the single-parent home where they know they don't have the money to fight them. They've brought down the foster care system, CASA/GALs, state attorneys and almost every single court-appointed attorney in the world. It's as bad in Canada, England and Australia as it is here. Something needs to be done because all this means is more and more children are going to die under CPS' watchful eye.


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