Legally Kidnapped

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Child Abuse Reporting Laws

Child Abuse Reporting Laws

The scandal around Jerry Sandusky has prompted a number of state legislators to advance legislation to require stronger mandatory reporting. Richard Wexler, Executive Director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, says that such legislation is misguided: most mandatory reports are unsubstantiated, so more reports will make it more difficult to find real abuse, not less.

1 comment:

  1. Strengthening more mandated reporting will bring more innocents into the clutches of the hor'rorifally corrupted $ocial $ervice... a not-so-unintended Penn State disgrace consequence by the well positioned government criminals.

    What failed in the first place is the mandated reporting already in place. Let's just admit the system f**ked, why do we need to f**k it up some more?


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