Sunday, October 14, 2012

From Irina

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My name is Irina Viktorovna Vinogradova. I was born in Russia on 11 March 1969, I am only Russian citIzen. I live in New Caledonia from September 2007 and I am married here with a french from 07 November 2007. I born our son Alexandre G. on 17 June 2008 in Noumea, New Caledonia, where we still live, he is French and Russian sitizen. In March 2010 I noticed a change in my son's behavior. He was very disturbed and sick for 2 months. At the end of May 2010, my son was sick again and on May 23, 2010, sperm flowed from his anus on his shorts. May 25, 2010, I made ​​a statement (REF: PV: 10/3869/SU - RP: A) in the national police in Noumea New Caledonia, against the person Х. And let a prove - red shorts of my son with trace of sperm. But prosecutor refused with an expertise 4,5 months later and police closed our case. I was refused by laboratory to give son's shorts back for an independent expertise But a week later I was called by menadger of this laboratory and he said what court has to do all in order to the child has never alone with his father. And in the end, the sorts were lost. In December 2010, I complained to the gendarme office because of the sexual abuse of our son and domestic violence. My husband spent two days in custody. And we didn't have any investigations about violance against the son.
But in March 2011 the court gave son to his father for all time and I had to leave the house during 1 months as mother paranoid but I was at home as long as possible to protect my son from his father.
In the end of April 2011 I had to go to Australia to Sydney to change my passport. I couldn't take my son with me because the husband refused child went with me for one week. And I let my son with my mother-in-law that is with his grandmother. When I came back in the afternoon 30 April I found my son totally ill. Two times I went with son to the urgency for the medical examine of the child. One of examinations was done in presence of social worker from APEJ. After that doctor asked who gave the child to the father and he sent a fax to the prosecutor at the same day, but it was no reaction from the court. 
3 months later on 12 July 2011, the son was taken from his father because of the letter from another doctor who did the medical observation of the child as well. But before June 28, 2011 I was get rid from home by my husband. After I lived with a girlfriend in her house during one month but my son was placed in foster care. After all of the little suffered, suddenly my son was among strangers. What a nightmare!
Later, this doctor wrote a letter to the police to investigate the application against child abuse. The police sent me with this letter to the prosecutor, but she refused to complete the survey.
The first of August 2011 I moved into my 2 rommed apartment where I prepared all very well for my son at the same time and I live alone, but the Judge decided to leave my son in the foster care, even when all examens about myself were very good. Only a psychiatrist says I'm paranoid after meeting with me an hour with a translator. He didn't any test. But another psychiatrist, which made very intense and specific test, said that I am normal. This was not accepted by the judge. The son has not even conducted a psychiatric examination normal. And from July 2011 antill November 2011 I had right to meet my son only 1 hour a week.
From November 2011 I have right to meet my child 2 times a month by 4 hours, the same was for his father just on another time, but the Court of Apeal in April 2012 gave more rights to his father and now he can meet son each week and to be alone with him, even now the Court of Noumea make practic to give son to his father with nights even with out informing me and my lawyer. As for me, I was refused to meet my son even for mothers day. And there is a risk what child can be given back to his father in November 2012. My mother's rights are violated! there is nothin against me, but my son lives as if he has no mother. And by husband I was introduced as the nurce, made and surrogate mother for own son. I have no contact with the husband or with his family.
Also the husband robbed 2 french passports of the son and these documents are never come back to my child and my son let the territory of New Caledonia just once in November 2008 for 2 weeks. I dared to stand up to protect my child and now my mothers rights are under violance. Also I was illegally denied with a residence permit for 10 years in November 2011. Being looking for the help everywhere I still have one hope to bring my defenseless little boy back to me, is to address this petition to all not indifferent people of our planet and asking to sign it. Please help, kind people! Page of my son Child protection with documents from our dossier in the Court URGENT ACTION, URGENT CALL!!! Please sign my petition and share with others! That is too important for me, there is life of my child! Help us, please! Sincerely, irina Viktorovna Vinogradova my skype - irinaviktorovnavi

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