Sunday, October 14, 2012

Danielle's Story

My three daughters have been gone for three and a half years. I've fought and still haven't got anywhere. They want to come home. They are in separate preadoptive homes. I don't know why they were placed there. I have been misrepresented and falsely accused. They want to adopt my girls real bad. I don't have much support not even for court. I go to trial November 27. I'm scared. I desperately need help! I can't lose my Kids!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear what has happened to your family Danielle. In reality, parents are pretty much defenseless against this corrupt, evil machine portraying itself as God's gift to children.
    I have collected some of the helpful info I come across for parents in the US here...

    You might also benefit from joining the Luke's Army group on facebook. There are many people there who know what you are going through and can offer you advice and support.

    If you are on facebook, I may be able to put you onto some people. I am so sorry for you, and sorry that I can't offer you more,

    Yours Sincerely,
    Michael Borusiewicz.
