Five-year-old girl tortured by foster parents
In a shocking incident that resembles the tragedy of battered baby Falak, a five-year-old girl was inflicted with severe burns, beaten up and starved allegedly by her foster parents in West Godavari district. The girl has been admitted to a hospital with multiple burns caused by hot spoon being put on her body, multiple rib fractures and head injuries.
Thank you for creating legally kidnapped blog. It is important that the real suffering of the children being tortured by CPS or the Alberta Response Model teams be known. This is not protection. These workers have over-stepped with the intention of making money. They do know that this is going on and they do not stop it to protect themselves from scrutiny. I can guarantee you that. I know many of them and worked as an advocate for years. This is what they do when they get caught. They run a cover up.
Anne Fox