Legally Kidnapped

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kerry Robertson, “not bright” enough to care for a baby

Kerry Robertson, “not bright” enough to care for a baby

Scottish teen Kerry Robertson, 17, pregnant and due in January has mild learning difficulties, this week she was told by social workers they believe she is not intelligent enough to look after her baby and that the child will be removed from her shortly after birth.

Note: With so many idiotic babystealers in the UK, such an assessment is kind of hypocritical, wouldn't you think?


  1. This is so unkind.

    Not only are 'they' intending to take this young woman's baby away from her, but they are not allowing her and her boyfriend, the baby's father, to marry.

    I consider this an abuse of power and I hope somehow it will be prevented before irrevocable steps are taken.

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Instead of taking this baby away, which clearly has 2 parents who very much want him - social workers should concentrate on the parents such as that of baby P.


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