Legally Kidnapped

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Depression pill OK'd for kids but probe goes on

Depression pill OK'd for kids but probe goes on

Just weeks after prosecutors accused Forest Laboratories Inc. of illegally marketing its anti-depressants Celexa and Lexapro to children and paying pediatricians kickbacks, U.S. health regulators have approved Lexapro for depression in kids.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I have a problem with children who are placed on medication against the wishes of their families. All too often - as in the case of kids who are given a diagnosis of ADHD - they are placed on meds, BUT WITHOUT proper examination of conflicting medical issues... Children with unknown heart defects should not be given stimulants. Full cardiac work-ups are required. Parents who seek help for their children due to symptoms of psychiatric nature have been forced to relinquish guardianship in effort to access funding and service support. Against the parent's better judgement, the children placed on meds to make them pliable. All of this without consideration of underlying medical conditon! It is infuriating! The same holds true of athletic children... all individuals who are competing aggressively in sports should be tested and monitored for health risks prior to commencing medication.


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