Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Friday, November 14, 2008

Foster families in high demand

Foster families in high demand

Among a child's greatest fears: cooties, the dark and cue ominous music foster care. The prospect of being plucked from one's home, ripped from the clutches of parents and siblings and dumped in a stranger's care (thanks, Disney imagery) is enough to give any kid nightmares. As kids mature into adults, however, they come to see foster care for what it truly is: a tremendous service to the community.

Note: That's funny. I picture them screaming for their mommies, then getting used to one foster home, sent to another, bonding with that one, boing boing boing, after a few more they end up with attachment disorders etc. I mean is it just me or is there an intentional blockage of truth in this?


  1. I have an active case in the Staten Island Family Court. Judicial Error, Malfeasance, Judicial Misconduct are the major problems. Please contact me at Please see my blog

  2. Gee, I wonder why they only interview foster parents or representatives of the foster care system for articles like these. If a (former) foster child ever gets a voice, it's because he/she was one of the rare but horrifying cases were the abuse was so bad no one would possibly argue against removing the child. As for biological parents, the apparent assumption is that we're mute, in addition to being illiterate, lying, violent, drug-addicted, amoral breeders who produce offspring with no more thought or emotion than a cuckoo laying her egg in some other bird's nest.

  3. Children can be taken from their family's care, but no force on Earth can eliminate their family's love.

    How can they claim foster children aren't loved?


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