Legally Kidnapped

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Friday, August 08, 2008

CAS Executive Director says youth should protest in a Gymnasium

CAS Executive Director says youth should protest in a Gymnasium

The Executive Director of the Sudbury Manatoulin Children's Aid Society, Colette Provost, said she would have preferred to see the demonstration held in a venue such as a school gymnasium. "My concern is that this process really flirts with the danger of children being exploited by other people for their own purposes," she said. "I would have preferred to see this take place in a more child-friendly forum."

So much for our Rights to public protest. Imagine that, an Executive Director of a Children's Aid Society saying that youth should protest in a venue where their voices will not be heard and where they will not be seen. Very disturbing.

Note: Can't have people tarnishing the public image of corrupt agencies, right?

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