Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

CPS Abuses of Power Harms Child

CPS Abuses of Power Harms Child

I have a story that is intriguing enough to be a movie. It involves CPS "Child Protective Services" and how they are in the business of ruining father's lives. I would have never believed it had I not be caught up in an investigation by them due to false allegations from a very disturbed woman with bipolar disorder. I simply did not want to date this woman, so she calls CPS and files false claims against me. This woman is currently being investigated for a homicide and there is another possible homicide in which she may be involved. Her father has been declared missing. She alleges that he molested her as a child. She indicates that they were on a scuba diving trip and he "never came back up". That might happen, but not that often and it seems suspicious if not scary to me. CPS cared nothing of that, they just sought to destroy me because they had an easy target—a father.

1 comment:

  1. same thing with my daughter, once they pick sides, no Matter how much evidence you provide, in my case father even admitted to most of it & they still did nothing.
    Good Luck


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