Monday, July 29, 2019

What you need to know about the Texas foster care system before a CPS case

If your child is involved in a CPS case in the state of Texas then you need to be aware that he or she could be removed from your home and placed into foster care. I hate to put it to you so bluntly, but that is the reality of the situation. That doesn’t mean that he or she is never going to come home to you. What it does mean is that you are going to have to work to get him or her returned home.

Part of that work is learning about the CPS process and the people and institutions that are involved. The foster care system is one that figures to weigh heavily on your case in the event that your child is removed from your home. Today’s blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan will seek to provide you with more information that we think is relevant to have as you begin your case.

More >> What you need to know about the Texas foster care system before a CPS case

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