Sunday, November 11, 2018

Center offers help to parents facing child abuse claims

When Michelle Weidner and her husband were accused of fracturing their son’s skull in 2010, the family’s life turned upside down until a second opinion determined a blurred line in a CT scan was not a fracture, clearing the Weidners of allegations of abuse.

The experience of being wrongfully accused led Weidner to her current post as executive director of the newly-formed Family Justice Resource Center in Peoria. The nonprofit group works with families accused of child abuse and neglect to connect them with doctors and other experts who may be able to provide an explanation for what authorities claim is abuse.

More >> Center offers help to parents facing child abuse claims

1 comment:

  1. Please, help me to bring justice. My name is Reva Yevdayev.
    My disabled daughter Anna Galeyeva is abused and discriminated on all possible levels by the Corrupted and Criminal System. Under fake insinuations she was kidnapped without both of us wish and is keeping in full isolation for the last 3 years. I do have all documents about ongoing crime against humanity. August 02 is her birthday. My heart is crying, because I can't see her. No place left, where I didn't appeal. Unfortunately.....
    I don't expect miracles (too much money involved $18000. every month to keep clients over medicated, beaten, abused and discriminated). (read my site www,
    I came from the family of Survivors of Holocaust, my daughter is a victim of Holocaust
    in USA in 21 century. Too much for 3 generations of one family.
    USA became an innovator of new form of fashizm.
    With respect. Reva Yevdayev, mother of victim of Holocaust in USA Anna Galeyeva

    P.O. more information on www.ugly judge

    My home phone (310)833-5140
