Wednesday, August 09, 2017

LK Report for 8/9/17 - A Drunk CPS Worker and More...

Here are today's headlines.  
Check back later.  You never know when I might update this post.

“Sierra” (we’re not using her real name to protect her privacy), is 19, a runaway and a mother of three. She spent years residing at various group homes and in and out of the juvenile detention system.

More >> Housing Challenges for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care

OTTAWA -- A first-of-its-kind study in Canada has painted a national picture of homeless youth and drawn a link to the foster care system that researchers say could be playing a more active role in keeping young people off the streets.

More >> New study suggests link between foster care system and youth homelessness

Florida - It is heartbreaking to learn that yet a third child in our state's foster care system has ended her life by hanging herself within the last year. The tragedies of teens like Giulianna Ramos Bermudez, Lauryn Martin and Naika Venant show us that privatization of the child welfare system has done little to improve the welfare of Florida's children.

More >> Privatization: Deaths Prove Failure of Child Welfare Experiment

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The Tennessee Health Commissioner has suspended new admissions to the Cummings Foster Home in Memphis.

More >> Memphis foster group home cited by Tennessee Health Commission

MANCHESTER, NH— The adoptive parents of two children who suffered terrible physical and sexual abuse while under the supervision of the state’s child protective services have taken the next step in their years long effort to shed light on the inner workings of the Division for Children, Youth and Families.

More >> Adoptive parents keep pushing to have DCYF records released

Ireland - AN INDEPENDENT REVIEW of the case in which a 15-year-old girl in foster care took her own life has questioned whether social services fully understood the significance of separating her from her younger sibling.

More >> Report into death of teen finds impact of separating her from younger sibling was not understood

Michigan — Bill Johnson’s grandfather taught him how to shoot when he was just 9 years old, and gave him his first gun — a Mossberg 16-gauge, bolt-action shotgun — when he turned 14. When Mr. Johnson joined the Marines at 17, he was issued an assault rifle. And he has carried a concealed handgun, with a permit, for the past decade.

More >> Gun Rights and Foster Care Restrictions Collide in Michigan

Ireland - Eight children and young people, the youngest just two weeks old, feature in the latest reviews which examine four suicides, one overdose, one accident and two deaths from natural causes. Those who died are given pseudonyms.

More >> Failings of care found in deaths of children

NORMAN, Okla. - A routine welfare check takes a turn when police report the DHS employee arrived on the scene drunk.

More >> DHS employee arrested after arriving drunk to routine welfare check

FORT WALTON BEACH — It takes commitment and patience to be an adoptive parent.

After two years, stacks of paperwork and countless home visits, Pam and Bruce Braseth are still waiting to become adoptive parents to two sisters they’ve been caring for in their home.

“I don’t think it could go any slower,” Pam said. “There are so many kids in our community that need families to give them a foundation. This has been stressful for everybody.”

More >> Parents wishing to adopt struggle with bureacracy, case backlogs

The poor things, I can only imagine what the real parents have been through.

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