Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Mother of Brook Stagles files notice of claim to sue Monroe Co.

The mother of a Greece toddler who investigators say died from severe child abuse has filed a notice of claim to sue Monroe County.

More >> Mother of Brook Stagles files notice of claim to sue Monroe Co.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:30 AM

    This lawsuit is just another scum bag drug adict taking advantage of a sad situation that money won't fix. This mother didn't even have custody of her daughter herself because she is a crackhead. But now after the entire family knew Brooke was being abused and NONE of them did a damn thing to stop it all the blame goes to CPS. if that was my child I wouldve got her away from the situation and go to jail if that's what happened but I'd know I did all I could instead they sat back and let her die and now they wanna blame everyone else and now its a money grab. You're all white trash and make me sick. And more disgusting is that this mother that's so hurt and lost her child is visiting and trying to get back with the scumbag father. You people are TRASH
