Friday, January 15, 2016

Foster carer busted dealing drugs

Foster carer busted dealing drugs

A FORMER foster carer whose reputation with the NT Department of Children and Families was reportedlyruined by a rebellious child in his care was one week into his new career as a drug dealer when he was busted.

1 comment:

  1. My son was illegally placed in a drug house when taken from me on a fraudulent petition. She kicked him out in the streets in the middle of the night and they never did go looking for him. Shortly after that she was busted with a meth lab in her living room. er bond was the highest bond for any meth bust in this county's history. But I have been forbidden from my son forever, without even terminating me as his parent. They simply named her Mom.I have seen him 6 times in 3 years, for around two hours each time, tightly supervised. I have never done anything to my kids, have no criminal history, am a Gulf War widow and would never have believed this could happen before it happened to me.
