Thursday, August 06, 2015

UN: Jail Parents Who Spank Their Children

UN: Jail Parents Who Spank Their Children

Under the guise of advancing what the United Nations characterizes as “human rights,” the UN “Human Rights Committee” released a report urging U.K. authorities to prosecute parents who smack or spank their children — even when used as a disciplinary tool. The UN report continued, advocating that the government launch a tax-funded propaganda campaign against corporal punishment and parents who choose to use it in disciplining their children, highlighting the alleged “harmful effects.” A broad list of other demands — more abortion, more UN agreements, and more censorship, among others — was also provided by the UN’s “human rights” bureaucracy in its report on the United Kingdom.


  1. Yeah and you know like take away even MORE children from non abusive but instead very loving families. Way to go UN! What a bunch of bastards! Just like in the good ole US of A!

  2. I already left my comment.
