Wednesday, April 01, 2015

LK's Plan For Dealing With This - Happy National Child Abuse Propaganda Month - BS Once And For All!!!

Happy Child Abuse Propaganda and Fundraiser Month!

What does this mean?  It means that for the next two months, (May is National Foster Care Awareness Month) the news feeds will be flooded with Pro-CPS Bullshit!  You'll see ceremonies, blue pinwheels and ribbons, you'll see fundraisers, you'll see system sucks holding candles and telling child abuse stories!  It will be a grand old time and the stupid people will give them their money and feel like a hero who helps fight child abuse.

But we know that they're all a bunch of frauds, liars and child traffickers, so how do we piss on their parade?  Here's my plan....

Step 1: Go to the dollar store and buy a little baby doll and a black permanent marker.  (Cost: $2+tax)
Step 2: Write the name of a stolen child on the forehead of the little baby doll with the black magic marker (Cost: $0)
Step 3: Show up at a system suck ceremony, pinwheel garden or whatever even they're holding and set the little baby doll down where it can be seen by all (Cost: The price of a bus ticket).
Step 4: Say nothing and walk away.  (Cost: $0)

The look on their faces when they see their little pinwheel gardens tainted with their own sadistic corruption?


Step 5: Repeat because they'll be pulling this shit all month..

Or you can sit on your ass and wonder why nothing gets done.  Your call.

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