Friday, September 05, 2014

Family Court judge candidate says social media posts stood up for clients

Probably a vindictive mother just trying to get the upper hand in a custody battle.


  1. But they should allow the evidence and THEN make a determination because it could also be a case of Dad's lawyer has pull or Dad has money. The only way to now is to allow all the information from both sides and then evaluate it.....

  2. Nancy7:27 PM

    But they should allow the evidence and THEN make a determination because it could also be a case of Dad's lawyer has pull or Dad has money. The only way to now is to allow all the information from both sides and then evaluate it.....

  3. Anonymous7:28 PM

    But they should allow the evidence and THEN make a determination because it could also be a case of Dad's lawyer has pull or Dad has money. The only way to now is to allow all the information from both sides and then evaluate it.....
