Wednesday, July 09, 2014

DCF hires 230 new workers, but caseload remains high

DCF hires 230 new workers, but caseload remains high

The Department of Children and Families, after months of controversy and the deaths of several children on its watch, has hired more than 230 new employees, but the agency has yet to cut into the high caseloads frustrating many child-care workers.

1 comment:

  1. Velvet Martin5:24 PM

    "Deveney acknowledged that the agency is taking on more cases, adding to worker caseloads." (Gee, what do you know, what I've been saying all along; LESS is MORE!)

    But, we'll just keep on keeping on falling spell to the illusion:

    "Province, U of C partner to train more child-protection workers"

    Less is more. But, first let's back up a notch... There were not 145 lives lost up from 56 fatalities as the article indicates, but in fact 741. Even this toll is not correct because the as Minister Bhullar publicly confided hundreds of children known to the ministry had died, he knew that there had been one more lost when he uttered 741 and since that time, an additional 2 young lives which brings the total to 744 dead children. Now, let's move ahead to the statement, "less is more": On the surface, it may appear that increasing numbers of available workers - or funding, another red herring - is a viable solution, however, that is fallacy. More workers and monies equals increased disastrous consequences because all that happens are further apprehensions of children and the same dire outlook: Over-burdened caseworkers with monies never reaching the intended recipients, the children. We need to revert to family-centred care practice, managing the problems with preventative action rather than bandaging the harm that results time after time. Many children known to the system do not arise from situations of either abuse nor neglect, but from extraordinary circumstances and instead of securing in-home relief through funding of necessary programs of support, the child is removed from natural environment and strangers are supplied with paid resources. However, the most simplistic solution which would deter harm befalling children is accountability. Wrongs committed, including negligence of duty by those affiliated with the government, are not being treated with equal administration of law practice as that of the community. There are no deterrents where blanket immunity exists. Law was not intended for only one segment of society. Policies are already well-researched and written, it is lack of adherence that is creating discord at the expense of vulnerable young lives. No one is above the law. NO MORE SILENCE! - VM
