Thursday, May 29, 2014

Child Threatens Parents "tell school to call CPS" after CPS Investigation. Can we hold school accountable for false reporting?

Child Threatens Parents "tell school to call CPS" after CPS Investigation. Can we hold school accountable for false reporting?

Teen child is acting out at home and school. When reprimanded him and younger sister continue to threaten parents to have school call CPS. School reported our family for spanking back in January 2014. After 8 Hour investigation of our home and trip to emergency room for examination, the case was closed. The after effects months later is kids think they can have the school call the law on parents for disciplining them. As a parent scared to discipline them due to my home being violated unexpectedly back in Jan. My opinion and the opinions of other adults who have heard this "threat" from kids feel it is being prompted at school. We have nothing to hide here. How can we hold the school accountable for the permanent damage they have done. Son Age 11 is a documented special education student.

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