Tuesday, February 04, 2014

DCF handbook shocker: Criminal past doesn’t disqualify foster parents

DCF handbook shocker: Criminal past doesn’t disqualify foster parents

Criteria uncovered by the Herald in a Department of Children and Families manual shows a stunningly permissive set of rules for screening potential foster home parents, allowing a history including sex offenses involving minors, violence such as manslaughter, and drug offenses such as trafficking cocaine and heroin within 1,000 feet of a school.

Note: Mountains out of molehills.  The way of CPS.


  1. See! There was a double standard all along! Holding parents to a very high standard while DCF workers and foster homes to the absolute lowest!! The system is upside down and crooked. USA and Canada infected with the same state abuse! Learn more about the legal aspects at Canadacourtwatch.org

  2. And here's a link to the NH DCYF Handbook which show's plenty of bias

