Monday, January 06, 2014

Jeremiah Oliver case: Public still wondering how this could have happened

Jeremiah Oliver case: Public still wondering how this could have happened

Note: Forgive them Lord because until they experience a social worker up their ass, they will never be able to understand the problem.

Gov. Deval L. Patrick and officials at the state Department of Children and Families were quick to claim last week that the agency's failures to protect 5-year-old Jeremiah Oliver of Fitchburg — who has been missing since September and may have been killed — was a "unique" case and does not indicate a systematic problem in the agency.

1 comment:

  1. Patrick,
    The article says that 'the social worker assigned this case failed to conduct REQUIRED home monthly visits... the supervisor was filing reports indicating the family's apartment was clean and suitable even though the social worker had not visited the home. Based on interviews conducted for the investigation, officials said, "It is evident that the supervisor was proven to be untruthful"'
    Usually 'required' monthly visits are part of JV court orders, and if so, these lies are perjury and so provides an opportunity for action that might actually deter the common practice of social workers committing perjury in court - arrest.
    Do you know how we can find out if there is a court order?
