Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Maine: Notice of Opportunity to Comment - Proposed Amendment Rules for Guardians ad litem

The state of Maine is looking to amend the rules for Guardian Ad Litem's which are basically lawyers appointed by judges for your children in custody battles.  GAL's are appointed in both divorce cases and Child Protection matters, where they can sign off on what the state asks for and secure a contract until the kid turns 18 and ages out of foster care.

The problems with the current rules include everything from billing parents thousands of dollars for their services by dragging everything out, to unfairly siding with one parent over the other so that the parent (usually fathers) lose access to the child, to committing fraud on behalf of DHHS in CPS cases.  

The court is asking for comments on the new rules and amendments.

Thanks to our friends at Maine GAL Alert for their outstanding work on this issue.


  1. As a parent you day in court may be over. The experience you had is valuable and this is an opportunity to let the courts know how you feel about the changes they are proposing. Any correspondence to the courts should be CCed to others so that your comments are not lost. Feel free to CC and we will post. Thank you Legally Kidnapped for posting.

  2. As a parent you day in court may be over. The experience you had is valuable and this is an opportunity to let the courts know how you feel about the changes they are proposing. Any correspondence to the courts should be CCed to others so that your comments are not lost. Feel free to CC and we will post. Thank you Legally Kidnapped for posting.
