Wednesday, September 04, 2013

A Sad Attempt At Using Foster Kids To Sell Sheep On Obamacare

Foster Children and Obamacare: The Exchanges Could Help

According to a 2011 study there were approximately 400,540 American children in foster care. Of that number only 115,000 were eligible for adoption. This is usually based on parental rights. Many parents are unable to care for their children, but are unwilling to release their parental rights to family members or adoptive parents.

1 comment:

  1. My sister was pulled from our house in 2011 and came home for Thanksgiving in 2012. The social worker pulled her again in March 2013 and I was given a ticket but am not going to jail. They won't let me talk to my sister for some reason. Is there any solution other than guardianship?
