Saturday, August 03, 2013

Dear people who think, “I could never do foster care!”,

I do read a lot of foster parent/adoption blogs.  I find them interesting because it is a direct look into the minds of those involved.  It is an online expression of what was going through the persons head at a particular point in time.  They talk about lots of things.  They talk about the kids, the system, the "bio-parents," or what have you.  They answer questions like: "Why do people get involved?"

Here I am give you one person's answer to the why question.  One who talks about her whole motivation for allowing the system into her life while debating the reason others often give her for not choosing to take the same path she did.  But I warn you.  What you are about to read may be disturbing to real parents whose children were stolen because it is a clear cut description of her motivations and of the path that her personal "journey" to become a mother has taken after God had chosen otherwise.  Here you are fighting tooth and nail to get your kids back, and here is the foster parent falling in love with your child.  Not to mention that this is a target market for CPS Agents when recruiting suckers to warehouse the kids for them.

Here's the link >> Dear people who think, “I could never do foster care!”,

Some of these desperate to adopt infertile couples will get their foster care license then sit around the phone hoping and praying for a baby to be abused and removed from it's parents and placed with them forever.

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