Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Detert in Congress to testify about foster care changes in Florida

Detert in Congress to testify about foster care changes in Florida

State Sen. Nancy Detert’s crusade to improve foster care in Florida is about to get a much bigger audience.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:37 AM

    This is great for Florida.Give these kids a break. Especially for relatives to get first placement of the children she is talking about(foster kids). My dealings with the state social service when family member had her kids taken. I and another sister went to help retrieve them back to family. But that foster system in my state, played me to get police report ($75) and instead of them allowing all 5 kids to go with me while she did their reunification plan. She was found with a dirty home and the kids were given back to parents if they signed a treatment plan for visits by counselor. Was ok, until a neighbors pet chinchilla bit the child of two yrs old.That did it. Even though the hospital procedures on treating this type of bite was stated as minor degree.When soc service got done with her, they put three kids in foster care and the two oldest with dad.DANGEROUS ANIMAL BITE. Then the reunification plan turned into a parental termination plan. No voice at the adjudication hearing, no input in court hearings, no input for her side of story. Only side filed with court was social service,and their vendor service. (you know, the ones trying to help this family stay together.
    Permanency for these kids. All together in my home but in a diff county. The judge said not out of her jurisdiction when it first began. There was no intention of me getting them, thanks to the commissioners and other 8 who denied me to get them at this time.(they have adopted children) I passed homestudy and all..(took 6 months for that).. But so called community decided not to let the kids go with me at this time.We believe in honesty and got railroaded by a county court that had best interest to that of the county.$$$$$ Follow the money on these kids. Permanency? One ran away. I called State and they said they would look into it but not get back with me on it. So relatives are left out in the cold. Are they still collecting money on this child that ran away along with 67% of the others that don't finish school. The other one has been placed 5 times in 7 years. So much for permanency. The child that was bitten was adopted.
    Is that acceptable that over 60,000 kids age newborn to 3 yrs old are adopted out every year. Its a racket. God help this world...... Amen! Especially these innocent children. Shame on that magistrate and judge and lawyers and case manager( he got a $4000 bonus in 2008 for job well done.advocate, doc, on and on.
    Mondale was afraid this would happen years ago. Looks like his fear is here.....They have made a money racket out of it.
    Aide to families with children 1.5 billion verses foster and adoptions safe families act. Not for biological family.......
