Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lawless America needs new leadership

It's too bad that Bill Windsor is such an ass.  It really is.

For a short while there, it almost seemed like we had a leader who was breathing new life into the Family Rights Movement.  A leader who was to do a great thing in traveling the country, taking down the stories of those who were suffering at the hands of our corrupt courts and government agencies with the goal of putting them all together in one place.  It seemed for a while like we would finally have somebody who could rally the victims all together under one banner.  Many people believed in him.  He gave them hope.  He gave them a voice.  He showed them that they are not alone.  He promised them wonderful things.

Nobodies will be Somebodies at Meet Me in DC as Senators and Congressmen and women agree to meet - February 5-6, 2013

Then it all went to hell, apparently, as his enemies rose, called him out and Bill Windsor reacts to it...

University of Montana Employee emails what is perceived as a threat to Kill Bill Windsor

He names and shames fellow victims of Judicial or Government Corruption as enemies of the movement to save America from Judicial and Government Corruption.

Allie Overstreet is the latest to lie, slander, and libel Bill Windsor and Lawless America

Then he threatens them with Judicial and Government Corruption.

Bill Windsor of Lawless America has requested corrections and retractions to defamation, libel, and slander

Now I've been following along with Lawless America for quite a while.  And I, like many others, still like the original concept.  Rally the people, so that together they will have a stronger voice.  Make the movie.  And the video's that he's been posting are great.  So to hell with those who do not agree with Bill Windsor!

But instead Mr Windsor decides he's going to deal with the liars and slanderer's like he said from day 1...

Bill Windsor has filed Criminal Complaints against Allie Overstreet, Sean Boushie, Claudine Dombrowski, Elizabeth Hope Hernandez, Kimberly Wigglesworth, and Brannon Bridge

Bill's reaction to those who are fucking with him shows the kind of a man he is.  If you're not smart enought to see it, then I am truly sorry for you.  You do need a thick skin to be in any movement that exposes government corruption.  I don't think that Bill Windsor has that.  Instead he has a vindictive streak and his reaction to all of this is making it lots of fun for those who oppose him and very difficult for those who he blames for it all...

If you speak out against injustice of any kind, there will be those who criticize you.  There will be those who try to distract you from your cause.  It's a part of the game.  It's the nature of the beast.  How you respond to it will define you in the eyes of your followers.

While I would and did recommend long ago that Mr Windsor just suck it up and ride the wave because there is no such thing as bad publicity, I'm afraid that it's a little too late for him.  He has shown the kind of person that he is.  So instead I would recommend that perhaps it's time that he step aside.  He is giving the rest of us a bad name.  And while normally, I would just let it go and let him fade out like the assholes of the past...

Threatening to fuck with other peoples cases, especially a parent who is fighting for their family, by "working with the attorney for her ex" is pushing it just a little too far and is perhaps as low as you can go.  Posting their personal info on a popular website or Facebook page with the intent to harm them and or their cases is extremely unprofessional and cold.  So instead I recommend that you all simply quietly separate yourselves from Windsor so that you don't screw something up and become the next person on his shit list. 
Allie Gate Part Deux
"But don't let facts or anything like that stand in Bill's way of doing his favorite past time that is outing mothers desperate to get their children back and threatening them with more harm."


  1. Bill Windsor of Lawless America has the poorest demonstration of a cyber-temper tantrum I have witnessed without commenting on the ignorance of free speech rights. It is evident there are no legal grounds of defamation of his character, unless one recognizes his activities as proof of not possessing the mental capacity to proceed in a court of law.

    It is such a shame that he has taken on the roll of a phallic demagogue, leading the his desperate flock over the cliff of legal ignorance to the pending death of their personal reputations.

    Please let Mr. Windsor know if he has issues with my public repudiation of his self-anointed authority and dismissal of his hair-brained, retarded schemes that he is strongly encouraged to challenge me in a public debate on beverlytran.com

    Comments welcomed!

    1. Beverly, I actually enjoyed reading your coherent summation of Bill's behavior of late. Quite refreshing to read your Haiku-ish flash-facts. Glad I don't have to debate you whatsoever. Thanks for your insight and creative flair. I'd like to arrange a public panel debate with Bill Windsor in a public place such as in Washington D.C. You would be a highlight for sure.

  2. Have to agree. Actually it reminds me of tactics used by the Child Protective Agency.. One gets on their Black List and then go forth looking for an Alleged Abuse Violation.

  3. I remember the messages where LK nicely recommended Bill suck it up. Bill sent me everything back then. Perhaps that is a reason for his extra vindictive attention to me.

  4. Anonymous9:32 PM

    When Bill Realised WHAT it is That Has Been Going On In Th USA .... I'm thinking maybe He Saw Some Jingle to be made for another BUSINESS He Wants to Start ... A Political Party <---<<< He Falsely Acused Me of being Rude and when I sought a clarification from Him ALL I got was a General Demurrer and Conclusionary Allegation ZERO that is ZERO Facts. FROM 13 Years Ago Bill Windsor from 13 Years Ago .... THRTEEN YEARS AGO Bill Winsor .... GET IT THIRTEEN ...... http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg44641.html

  5. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Bill Windsor DID Not Start This Movement .... He's CRAZY ...... http://www.bing.com/search?q=Looted++Nation++Judson+Witham&go=&qs=n&form=QBLH&pq=looted+nation+judson+witham&sc=0-10&sp=-1&sk=

  6. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Bill Windsor Old Judson Broke The Texas S&L and Bank Lootings Up and the Current Financial FIASCO .... Ive been working on these matters over 30 Years ..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a987Lplqj1o

  7. I can see where Bill would get a little huffy after interviewing this teenager then someone portraying that the kid committed suicide. Bill had the power to investigate this alleged incident before alerting everyone on the net.

  8. Glad to see so many are catching on to Bills true self. I like so many others should have Googled his name before getting involved.Allie and I were two of the go to people that did many things for Bill to help the Lawless America movement. We both simply tried to get him to back off on his rhetoric and focus on what we all thought was the mission. We had absolutely nothing to do with posting anything about the Supposed suicide or the postings of his dead father. Did he do it himself for a more exciting show? I can't answer that but now that we have learned just how rotten he can be to people that kindly tried to get him to stop looking like a fool. Why he choose us as the ones he suspected for doing it is beyond me.I know for a fact Allie and I don't have time to play his childish games or try to ruin a man that does a great job of doing that on his own. The rest of the people that still blindly follow Bill will find out soon enough who he really is. For the folks that don't want any harm done to them by Bill do your own research. Google Bill Windsor and start with his own case, Maids of the Mist V. Bill Windsor. As far as this being a no budget film you will see he has plenty of money to travel the country and stay in some fine hotel rooms. As far as Bill trying to ruin the reputation of Washington Families United and myself. WFU has been a non profit for nearly 15 years we are all non paid decent people that spend our time and our money. We do the best we can to help others that have no money and very little knowledge on how to fight for their children and their rights. Since the creation of WFU we have never been without victims and most times have way more than we can help because of lack of funds, time and volunters. Thanks again Illegally
    Kidnapped. When the law violates the law its still illegal. Mark Supanich President of Washington Families United

  9. For the Record, sorta speak, did a count on all the individuals and/or groups of alleged liars, slanders, etc. and the total was 104.

    Of course Bill had to add "any others".

    But it is sad since the idea of filming those to tell their story is great.

    But then there have been many ideas that have been great. For example, the "original intent" of creating the Child Protective Agency was to 1)Protect Children; 2)Strengthen Families... And here we are today??

  10. Mark, I have been friends with members of WFU for a long time. I have never taken issue with your group. On the contrary, I value your partnership.

    Chuck, has he labeled me yet?

  11. As I said on Joey's A Little Kid about Bill & Allie's last battle exchange just a few minutes ago:
    Has anyone even considered that this was a government shiv doing this to further inflame the situation? That maybe...just maybe...it was done to hurt BOTH Bill & Allie? That this shiv did this because s/he knew how Bill would react...and that it would cause even further harm to both and keep this going? What better way to keep the focus off from the government if we, the people are fighting among ourselves, eh?
    Both Bill & Allie...and everyone supporting them need to really sit back, take a DEEP breath...and put our attention and efforts where it really needs to be...and that's back onto the government and its agencies that are committing these crimes and abuses against us all, and beat the ba$tard$!!! GRRRRRRRR
    Why can't we all just learn that it's what the government wants us to do...attack each other....cause then we're too busy to attack them and then they win!!!

  12. Debbie,
    Excellent point. However, whether it is a government conspiracy or not, I would say the government doesn't even have to lift a finger. Considering, it is a basic human characteristic for "many" to criticize other for their actions.

    My self, being a curious ol' guy, I make every effort to listen to others in an effort to know all sides of an issue. Plus, I can merely suggest a thought for I know that the only person we can change is ourselves.

    For example LK and I have had life experiences on opposite ends of the Foster Care industry. LK had a child severely injured while in Foster Care; myself Falsely Accused of abuse as a Foster Care Giver. However, both of us stood up to the agency to get the Truth on the record.

    In my life journey, of course, I've been a son; a father to 5 children of my own; and now a grand father in a multigenerational family of 3 grand daughters, who, you might say I adopted when I married my second wife.

    In any of our unique experiences, we have the right to have feelings of anger and comment on those that have offended us. Not to mention, conflict is a Normal happening in any family.

    So with these thoughts in mind, I have come to the belief that Families are the most important resource we have in our Nation, if not the world, no matter what the mix.

    Plus, why I take great offense towards Bill's actions. Heck, in my opinion, he is doing the Exact same thing that the agency does to many families on a daily basis.

    Each and everyone of us are unique. However, I firmly believe that there is common ground, Or don't we believe in Our Families?
    May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
    GranPa Chuck

  13. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I made one comment on Bill's website that I felt he was off track from his original goal. He called me a sicko and blocked me. I left the cause the minute I saw that he would choose to deprive a child of a parent in a custody litigation. Someone else said, "that's worse than low". It is.

  14. HI Bill has managed to attach me to a lawsuit for slander and libel and I am looking for witness's into his character for my defense against him I am taking written notarized affidavits from folks... if you know of anyone who has experience with this man please have them message me thanks lnt1230@yahoo.com if you know of anyone that would be willing to help me/advice me against this man that would be appreciated as well as I am going in PRO SE and have no idea what I am doing :/ thanks
    I believe he is doing this as part of his movie( my opinion) :(
