Sunday, March 10, 2013

Family files suit against DCS for taking infant children

Family files suit against DCS for taking infant children

Two days after Dawn Garcia gave birth, a social worker with the Department of Children’s Services arrived at the Clarksville hospital and told the shocked new mom to hand over her son.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I would never trust Montgomery tenn, cps they are a joke, if you see or hear they are coming have you lawyer on standby, those people cps workers need counseling or need to be fired.. They don't think about the families or the children. The will lie and make up thing or force the kids say things that are not true.. Those people have some serious respect,rude,no professional skills they set around trying look pretty, or setting around eating, had friend to go Thur a tarmac experience all the stuff they accused of her didn't happen,they went on a lie and tried to ruin her and families lives. Go into court and try to play concern that cps office is a joke the workers are pathetic.
