Thursday, January 31, 2013

Foster parents ask lawmakers for more money

Foster parents ask lawmakers for more money

Foster parents urged state legislators Tuesday to support a bill that would increase their monthly reimbursement checks for the first time since 1990.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:12 PM

    This is going to have such a horrific backlash on the children and the parents,
    More children are in danger and more parents are in danger of losing their children and the kids that are already in care will now be at higher risk to stay in the system even longer or worse take away the parental rights. What. About the parents that are court order to pay child support and do the family service plans ( that are ridiculously un-achievable and set up for failure) the parents will be forced to either quit there jobs or find two part time jobs..more added stress for the already exhausted stressed out parent and then when they can't pay child support they will be summons to appear for contempt and pray they don't end up in jail and lose all the hard work they put in..this will NOT turn out well..HOW DO THET KEEP GETTING AWAY W/BULLSHIT CORRUPTION ...but as long as they generate the money who cares? Turn a blind eye pretend it doesn't exist..
