Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wrong doing of Child Protective Agencies: Justice for Jamarr

Summary of how Franklin County Children Services ripped a child from his loving mother


  1. While watching this video I could predict most of what was going to be said. It was as if she was talking about what our family went through.
    My three grand daughters, my daughter's little girls, were taken and the hell we have been put through for the last 4 1\2 years will never be forgotten. Now the oldest of the three is with her dad, not a good situation. The two youngest were adopted out and live in another city. My daughter has been devastated, I can't go a day without thinking about my grand babies. I pray for someone to help us. My mother died not being able to spend time with her great granddaughters. It tears the entire family apart. I have no idea how the girls are doing, whether they are being treated well. There are no words to express the misery we have been put through.
    LeAnn Addleman
    email: lmaddleman@gmail.com

  2. OMG I know how that is I lost my 3 babies. I lost my son and daughter because of their dad I never got to take them home and they are both adopted I have not seen them since Feb 2011 when I was forced to sign up my rights, I lost my son this past April I never got the chance to take him home either they blamed it on my living situation and I was forced to sign up my rights or go to jail here in KS they take your kids away from you if you get ssi, or make some bullshit excuse but hopefully the governor takes action I would love to have my babies back since they were taken illegally and on bullshit reasons that never happened :'(
