Thursday, October 11, 2012

Social workers' anger at storyline

Social workers' anger at storyline

An EastEnders storyline featuring a baby being removed from a teenage mother by social services has been branded "disgraceful" by the body that represents social workers.

1 comment:

  1. There is good reason for public outrage at social workers, and its not for the reasons acting chief executive of BASW Bridget Robb’s accusation of “badly written and poorly acted portrayal of social workers”. It is because of the scourge this profession puts upon its clientele, too demoralized and disadvantaged to fight back.

    Southhampton University is dropping social work BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO WORKS OF EXCELLENCE.

    COMMON TACTICS of government child confiscation programs use poverty, domestic violence, divorce, disability, brain injury, the necessity of medical supports, indeterminate medical conditions, autism, obesity, homeschooling, breastfeeding, cigarette smoking, to name only a few, under the guise of an intervention issue. Not only do social workers act upon these conditions, they willfully perversely distort them as a means to acquire the intended commodity~ CHILDREN.

    “Social workers don't court popularity”. Indeed they do not, and their acts of distortion and embellishment upon normal weakness in natural families is granted impunity, their crimes go unpunished.

    The BBC should be congratulated on their courage to tackle one of the worst atrocities in modern times.
